LF: High Paying Education Offers


New member
Aug 18, 2008
Hey all, I am the project manager of a reasonably decent college information site, and I am looking to find some higher paying offer providers. Currently, we are using e-learners, and while they are fairly comprehensive compared to others we've tried, they only pay one price for all results.

I was wondering if any of you have any ideas on some higher paying offers out there. I'd appreciate any advice. Thanks.

btw.. i know you mean Looking For... but where the hell have u seen that used..

its ISO: in search of.

get it right.. ;p

cj's got a bunch but if you're looking for ones like meritus, univ. of phoenix or kaplan go checkout azoogleads... i'm sure they can be found elsewhere, thats just off the tip of my head.
<- Filled with shame at his incorrect use of LF.

Anyways, I'll look at CJ and Azoogle though they all seem fairly limited in the schools they support. I was hoping to find an elearners alternative.
affiliatearmy - as long as it got people to look at this thread, that's all that matters. I really did think though that LF was the universal thing for looking for. :)

HockeyFan - No, and don't hijack. :p
Still looking for some more EDU offers. Looked at another thread on here and will be contacting some companies that were listed like:

Commission Wizard
Media Trust

Am I missing any others?
I know C2M, COPEAC, and Azoogle all have $30+ leads for education. There is a military one targeting veterans using the GI bill that pays out $40+ on some networks.
revenueads has 38.00 per lead, neverblue 30.00 per lead, guppymedia is good, and ampedmedia. really hot educational offers.
Hey Guys, first time caller...long time listener. I know that this thread is old, but we can definately help out on the EDU side if you are still interested. CommissionWizard has close to 50 education offers from general portals to niche/degree specific offers (Nursing, CSI, Teaching, IT...etc). We have long forms, short forms, CPA and CPC educaiton offerings and have stong relationships and unlimited budgets for most offers. Please hit me up if you are interested in talking: eosterman at spirevision dot com or erico at commissionwizard dot com - thanks!
Don't generate the leads through job search traffic as almost every major network will take away all of the leads for that. Azoogle has a few good offers that I am running right now and a few others have $30+ per lead.