Let's talk about product launches


Señor Member
Feb 1, 2009
Working with a friend who makes really great information products (DVDs, ebooks, etc.) in the fitness relm. Traditionally he has done most of the sales himself through his email lists, his own blog, and his friends who also participate. Margins and commissions are high but volume is no where near what it could be for how good his stuff is.

So what do you do to go from very light affiliate sales to big players selling your products?

What networks do you go to? The most advanced guys in his niche are trying clickbank. :uhoh2:

What do you typically focus on pre-launch? Right now we've got weak landing pages, little to no sales copy for affiliates to use, no banners, etc. Any tips on getting it done well and getting it done cheapish? Do you outsource tasks your self or have one place do all your launch prep?

Any advice on relaunching old products? Any books you recommend?

The thing my friend has done well is capturing newsletter subscribers via his blog. He creates a new product and can sell 300-500 copies of a $50 ebook the first week by himself. Great content goes a long way.

I hate to recommend a guru product, especially one you can't even buy, but Product Launch Formula is really really good. Probably one of the best ever, if you ask me.

Check the forums like iranjava and blackhatworld for it. It's a massive course, but it delivers!
Working with a friend who makes really great information products (DVDs, ebooks, etc.) in the fitness relm. Traditionally he has done most of the sales himself through his email lists, his own blog, and his friends who also participate. Margins and commissions are high but volume is no where near what it could be for how good his stuff is.

So what do you do to go from very light affiliate sales to big players selling your products?

What networks do you go to? The most advanced guys in his niche are trying clickbank. :uhoh2:

What do you typically focus on pre-launch? Right now we've got weak landing pages, little to no sales copy for affiliates to use, no banners, etc. Any tips on getting it done well and getting it done cheapish? Do you outsource tasks your self or have one place do all your launch prep?

Any advice on relaunching old products? Any books you recommend?

The thing my friend has done well is capturing newsletter subscribers via his blog. He creates a new product and can sell 300-500 copies of a $50 ebook the first week by himself. Great content goes a long way.

If you guys really have a strong product and have money talk to smaxor. He 's hella legit and can help get your products to people who know how to push shit.