Let's see how Justin Beiber wiggles out of this one...


The Kwisatz Haderach
Jul 26, 2010
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYuIoFai3Sw]14-Year-Old Justin Bieber -- Sings Parody 'One Less Lonely N*****' And About Joining Ku Klux Klan - YouTube[/ame]

People get crucified for stuff far less offensive than this.

Gonna be an interesting adventure in marketing and psyops to see how they play this one out.

The Beebs is a valuable property that his handlers will want to save.

Let the fun begin.

from the related vids right after watching this one:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHAmNnDmByU"]Justin Bieber Drops the N-bomb ... Repeatedly - YouTube[/ame]

also, what's a sirkon?

edit: also >>>

vid starts at :33

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gi1eJSyfHyo"]DJANGO NIGGER COUNT - 113 - OFFICIAL COUNT. - YouTube[/ame]
It won't have the big impact you guys imagine. Justin Bieber and his legal team released this video themselves because someone was trying to blackmail him with this video.

Also it was from when he was 14 years old
I can't stand Justin Bieber. And while I can't stand him, I will acknowledge that part of why he acts like he does, is because he's a product of his environment. Put any young kid in his situation, surrounded by who he is surrounded by, and it's not going to turn out too well.

With that said, Bieber was 14-years old when this video was made. I'm giving him a pass. I'm very lucky youtube, etc.. were not around when I was 14.
Floyd Mayweather -- Justin Bieber's Not Racist ... 'We All Make Mistakes' | TMZ.com

They will just spin this as "youthful indiscretion" and parade out some of the black A listers that Justin hangs out with. I'm no Beiber fan but I suspect he will wiggle out of this one unfortunately.

The color green trumps all others. If it's worth more to throw somebody under the bus then that's what will happen, as was the case with Donald Sterling.

This might hurt Justin's "brand" a bit but I suspect the gravy train will keep on rollin.
Usher and Will Smith forgave him. So who is left to persecute him for racist remarks? White people? The media? Nope. Usher and Will Smith just played the not a racist card so it's a dead issue.
saw this in my TMZ rss feed while surfing the web on my iPad Air... jbiebs is one badass shithead imho... gonna wait for an official release before putting it up my celeb blog (mostly just a hobby, 20-30 visitors per week, 95% spiders)... already tuesday and so much cool stuff this week... i wonder what other stuff will happen?
Usher and Will Smith forgave him. So who is left to persecute him for racist remarks? White people? The media? Nope. Usher and Will Smith just played the not a racist card so it's a dead issue.

Only a matter of time before Reverend Jackson weighs in on this "racial hate."
Why it's proof watermarked on the video? Someone tried to sell the video to tmz and they got scammed?

There might be some more videos if this is just the proof.