Lesson to all the high income under invested affiliates

Was pretty lame. The guy getting interviewed has no idea. He then goes on to precisely describe spamming as how he's going to promote his new venture and claims oh no we're promoting legit not spamming at all.

Waste of time. Here's a summary

Dude makes 2 mill (actually only 1 mill) by jumping on myspace templates and getting lucky thinks hes' a balla spends 500k on cars buys a house, refinances all of them for some reason then loses them cause he blows his money on a gf he no longer has and trips he probably doesn't remember.

The moral: $1 million isn't a lot. If you have 1 revenue stream always think it will die tomorrow.
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This fellow is too dumb to be so wealthy. Luckily he lost nearly every penny, so I don't have to reconsider that view.
Was pretty lame. The guy getting interviewed has no idea. He then goes on to precisely describe spamming as how he's going to promote his new venture and claims oh no we're promoting legit not spamming at all.

Waste of time. Here's a summary

Dude makes 2 mill (actually only 1 mill) by jumping on myspace templates and getting lucky thinks hes' a balla spends 500k on cars buys a house, refinances all of them for some reason then loses them cause he blows his money on a gf he no longer has and trips he probably doesn't remember.

The moral: $1 million isn't a lot. If you have 1 revenue stream always think it will die tomorrow.

true dat.
Hey, he was 18 at the time, give the guy a break :) I can only imagine what I would have done at that age with a million dollars, I would probably have been much much worse.