Legal Tax Evasion (in Canada)

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I was informed of a new little system to beat the tax man legally the other day. Apparently if you purchase this software designed for the rehabilitation of inmates in federal prison, you get a tax receipt. Now the company who produces the software sells it to the Canadian government (Conservative Party) for cost, which is $1000. Normally, the software is sold (retail) for $5000. So through the Conservative government, you purchase this software for inmates for $1000 and receive a $5000 tax receipt from the government! How illegal does this sound hey? But it is a new tax loophole for the rich (or smart) to get $4000 of tax exempt money for free. Now I think only one of these can be purchased per year, but I am not sure. My boss did this just before rrsp's were due and I laughed because I thought he was gettin ripped off hard, but last week he got a letter from the Stephen Harper government thanking him for his contribution and had the tax receipt enclosed.

Has anyone else heard of this? I am not exactly sure how it is done, my boss played hockey with a guy who was running this for the Conservative government, but I assume there aer other ways to get at it. Unfortunately I think it is only available to Canadian citizens, but check it out if you do any business in Canada too.

Assuming an income of $100K and living in ontario you'd save about $450. But for that you'd have to hang around conservative government members.

I'd gladly pay $450 to avoid that :)
Its legit.. i got a buddy who has a whole business based on buying software at wholesale and donating it at retail cost for tax credits.
Well tell us what the software is - I'm doing my taxes right now and will buy a copy today.

So do all criminals in Canada have computers? I am confused as to what the software is and why the govenment would do this?
I'm afraid that wouldn't even put a small dent in what I have to pay, not to mention all the red flags that would go up pretty much guaranteeing you an audit.

I don't think it's worth it and "legal tax evasion" is a great oxymoron...LOL
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