Learning php/MySQL

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New member
Mar 27, 2007
Hey guys,

I am an established affiliate manager with a great amount of experience marketing on the web but I don't know how to code. I would love to learn.

Do you guys have any books, courses, anything you can recommend?


try your library even - i was there picking up some audio books last week and ended up picking up like 6 php books of all different target audiences. even a php and mysql book. being a programmer, this is the most fun i've had in ages! well okay, but much more fun than just cranking out another campaign.
Why not focus your energy on what you already know, the marketing part (i would guess you know how to work ppc) and instead work with an outside developer for your projects based on your experience as an affiliate manager.
I would think if you are promoting a certain offer, you would know what the best way to promote would be i.e using data feeds, or just single page websites or to load up the website with copy. If you constrain yourself to one side of marketing you would basically be able to do more. If you try to learn programming now you would be wasting time. just jump in and be like a quarterback where you worry about getting traffic and then outsource your programming. Or you could pursue partnerships with people on this website.
Its just my theory of course assuming that you know what html is ;) , take an executive approach where you dont piss your time off with things that you could hire someone to do for you, there is everything on this website that you might need from copy writers to programmers.
Hope that helps. Thanks nick.
nmwando, because then you end up pissing away money or equity on the small things you could do yourself in 15 minutes :) Knowledge is power. Though I agree for larger projects he should still outsource/find a partner because though you can learn to program in any language in a week or less there is a lot more to being a good programmer than knowing how to create a program.
When I was learning PHP I found php.net very helpful, when I was confused about a function or needed some example code to work from. I would buy a book, and then use that site for reference when your having trouble.
To answer the question of 'why bother learning programming instead of doing your marketing':

It helps you understand what CAN and CAN'T be done, specifically, why it can or can't be done. Great knowledge to have when creating and evaluating new ideas.

A lot of blackhat techniques rely on 'loopholes' that require some programmatic knowledge to discover, understand and implement.

Many folks are engineers at heart, and they enjoy learning the stuff.

Bubbles is right about php.net. When you search for a function over there, the comments on each page will give tons of example implementation code and ideas.
This thread just changed a little...

nmwando, because then you end up pissing away money or equity on the small things you could do yourself in 15 minutes :) Knowledge is power.

I couldn't have said it better myself. Thanks for the advice on the library, didn't even think of that.

I am trying to find programmers and coders right now as a matter of fact for a client of mine that needs to have an ecommerce site built. I htought learning to code a little would help. I guess the task of learning PHP and all of that is not as easy as I thought.

So anyone interested on my project? PM me if interested.
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