Learn php the stoner way....

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i didn't make it that far. this would seriously be so fucking annoying trying to learn from this wanker.
i just bought the book php and mysql by o'reilly. If you have insomnia try reading that
i don't understand what people want from programming books - some bright colors and maybe a few bad jokes? i would rather just learn what the fundamentals of whatever the topic at hand is and then go and fuck around with it.

if i want to be entertained, i am going to get blacked out at a strip club, not pop in a php video or browse through a php book.

that being said, i really love the way "mastering regular expressions" is written - the author really shows regex for what it is - far the from the "dry toast" it is often thought of as
i just watched a few of those videos, that guy is pretty hilarious. much easier learning php from a guy that sound like hes totally baked
Lol indeed...I was really hoping to learn how variables are a lot like chicken titty...
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