Leadpile & Google Conversion tracking

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New member
Jul 29, 2006
Does anyone know if it's possible to get a tracking pixel placed on a leadpile confirmation page? Looking through the leadpile documentation it appears you can get them to ping back your server with keywords, but I can't seem to figure out how to get a pixel to fire.

Anyone have any suggestions on the best way to track PPC conversion to leadpile?

Does anyone know if it's possible to get a tracking pixel placed on a leadpile confirmation page? Looking through the leadpile documentation it appears you can get them to ping back your server with keywords, but I can't seem to figure out how to get a pixel to fire.

Anyone have any suggestions on the best way to track PPC conversion to leadpile?

If you "ping you back" most likely they're doing a server side post to your side (not putting a pixel on the conversion page) because of that you can't really do something like redirect to google, or put a pixel on your "pinged back page" but if you pass them the keyword, or pass them a "sub id" you can then get your own "conversion rates / keyword" info going.
Leadpile has Google Adwords tracking available. It can track the performance of your keywords in search and also displaying the report for the content network. All that it's available inside the Leadpile account. Earnings, cost, clicks and suggested bid to reach the profit you target. It's better than having the pixel as the pixel can tell you only when a lead was generated, but it won't tell you how much you made on that lead (80% of the sale price).
You can track your Adwords account with Leadpile. It uses API to display the Adwords report inside the Leadpile Account - Earnings, cost, clicks, impressions, Earnings per lead, cost per lead and a suggested bid in order to keep your keywords profitable. The report is broken down by search and content network results.

It works better than a pixel in the confirmation page as you are able to see how much you are making for each lead sold (80%) and then adjust your keywords bids accordingly.
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