Leadclick/eAdvertising closed?


Aug 5, 2010
So someone in the super affiliates facebook group posted about Leadclick/eAdvertising closing. Thread is gone now. Can anyone confirm?

If i'm not confusing him for someone else the dude JUST made a thread asking for more business to his credit report only a week ago. If true they're going out of business wtf is up with these advertisers going down then begging for more business on their way out?
I'm not claiming it's happening here, as I know shit about the situation with LC/eAd, but I can tell you that there are some unscrupulous bastards who'll gladly take as much traffic as they can to increase their receivables knowing full well they'll never pay their affiliates. If they don't have serious enough creditors to force them into bankruptcy, they simply walk away with all that cash (and most likely start over again). I've been fucked over by a few people like that in the past.