Lead Generation (Zip/Email Submits) Could Be Chaning...

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New member
Jan 15, 2007
Minneapolis, MN
Quote from the article:

Indeed, what the FTC seems most concerned with in regards to lead generation services are what Gordon referred to as, "generally deceptive misleading online campaigns that start with 'win a free iPod' [or other promises of free giveaways]… that can sometimes give online lead generation and online marketing a bad name."

Basically, this includes all of your gift card offers as well. Another point on how this could change the industry:

If, as a result of potential litigation or regulatory penalties, lead generation companies can no longer collect money from incentive-based lead generation e-mails or PII data sales, Rohan estimated they could lose 40 percent of their revenues. Because he believes such firms' profit margins are around 40 percent, "removal can render them profitless," he continued.

With FTC investigations into Ringtones and now lead generation, the affiliate marketing landscape is going to change, folks. Get it while the gettin's good.

Full Article: ClickZ: ValueClick Has Company in Lead Gen Scrutiny ValueClick Has Company in Lead Gen Scrutiny

I don't think that the lead generation industry will take a hit like the ringtone industry did but then again there are always those few dumb companies which think just because they are online that they cannot be touched.

I think that most companies will just keep with there guidelines, you cannot bit on terms like free with Adwords anyway, also most people don't seem to realize that your not technically supposed to use trademarked terms as well, there are a lot of lax rules that are not inforced very well but there are also some ones which are becoming inforced more and more.

I think if you stay smart, a little bit ahead of the game, and don't go out and do blatently illegal marketing tactics that you'll sale through while others wont know what hit them, if you set up your strategies right you could easily sale past some bigger competition that you otherwise might not have had a chance against.
heh. this industry is LOONG overdue for this.

lets be honest here.

Haha, wtf are you talking about? If you think this industry is shady, you haven't seen shit yet.

Zip submits are just a flavor of affiliate marketing, and this is Baskin-Robbins bitch! :D
I don't see anything wrong with it... If your stupid enough to think that someone is going to give you a $300 item for free you deserve to be thrown in the loop and complete a zillion offers before you get it.
I don't see anything wrong with it... If your stupid enough to think that someone is going to give you a $300 item for free you deserve to be thrown in the loop and complete a zillion offers before you get it.

Has anyone actually tried to get through one of those things? Does anyone ever? Is it even possible?
Has anyone actually tried to get through one of those things? Does anyone ever? Is it even possible?

My point exactly.... The only success stories you hear are videos on youtube and stuff like that. I've yet to meet anyone, online, or in real life, that has successfully completed an offer.

There is no such thing as a free lunch.
I doubt you have to spend $300 worth of services to get a $300 gift card, however, the sites that give you these free gifts are just middle man sites to their CPA networks, they use incentive offers that pay them out high amounts, and require you to refer friends as well that creates a viral effect. It probably will only cost you $50 to get a $300 item, but they probably made $600 from all the sites you signed up under, and the friends you had to refer.


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