Lawyer/Solicitor in the UK


New member
Jul 9, 2010
Any of you guys have any experience with getting a lawyer in the UK?

Ideally I want someone on retainer who is able to answer the odd question, send the odd e-mail on my behalf and have them ready to pounce should shit hit the fan.

I got a ridiculous accusation of trademark infringement last week where a term used on my site and in my domain is supposedly a "derivative" of their trademarked term. A case of the big guys bullying the little guys as it's utter bullshit and their just upset that I took the #1 spot ;)

Would be nice to have someone who can tell them where they can shove it - in legal terms of course :)

For odd bits of legal advice you are probably wasting your money on retaining a solicitor. Try getting a Barclays business advance account, they give a free legal service where you can email or phone their team of lawyers and they will advise or draft letters for you.

I am fortunate as I have a family member who is a top lawyer and likes to flex his legal muscles. I got a threatening letter regarding trademark infringement myself a few weeks back which he sorted very nicely for me. If you want to send me some details on the claim via PM I can have a look and let you know my thoughts.
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Cheers for the advice about barclays butcher. Will definitely give that a go as I have barclays business acccount so will see if I can upgrade.

Thanks for the offer to take a look also, if it goes to shit I'll deffo let you know but for now I'm assuming they won't put their money where the mouth is ;)