Last months Adwords PPC campaign


Living The Dream
Oct 27, 2009
Here's some stats for last months PPC campaign. Just wanted to get some opinions on these numbers. I feel this should be doing much much better...


What are you getting paid per conversion? Probably $20 - 30 and you're losing money.

CTR is pretty bad. Maybe try split testing or write better ads?

Are you tracking conversions to a keyword level? If so pause the losers and scale the winners. Might be an ok campaign.
About 89.00 per conversion.

And yes, I've categorized my keywords in high performers and low performers. I'm currently tracking everything in Adwords. I'm going to search for a tool to keep track of all the testing. I know there's got to be something better than just using Google's tools.
You definately need to improve your CTR, your making profit so you can optimize that down and get a really succesful campaign.

Make sure your split testing all your ads dude.
as said above keep split testing.. especially your ad copy.. better ad copy and quality score will get your click costs down which are pretty expensive.. if your profiting off that campaign your doing good just split test ads and keywords and keep the winners you should be able to improve your ROI quite a bit..
I assume with that CTR% this is for the content network?

Nope, search. Thanks for all the replies! I'm going to have to split test the shit out of the ads. We've had the original ads out there since conception which was about a year and a half ago :p. I'm sure we can hit a way better CTR.