Last day for MacHeist Bundle

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New member
Nov 27, 2008
Today will be the last day for the MacHeist bundle, that apps aren't that bad this time around. I'll mainly be using iSale, World of Goo (crazy game all platforms BTW) and maybe a few of the video programs. The Hit List has yet to be unlocked but it's a great GTD app and the same goes for Espresso, I downloaded it but Coda outperforms it in my opinion.

Anyway, now that you know about MacHeist, if you didn't already let me get to the real reason I posted this, especially here on our favorite Internet marketing forum... :)

You see...

There's this thing they're doing...

It's the tell a friend, get more free apps deal so... do you need/want this MacHeist bundle? If so PM me! Alarm clock pro is in this utility package and they give you it free if you refer two people to MacHeist... seems fair to me. :)

No flaming please, hopefully if you have a Mac you'll find this useful, they run these things everyone once in a while and if you don't have a Mac go check out World Of Goo it's nuts. Anyway, if you'd like to help me get my hands on Alarm Clock Pro then I'm all for it. I only to refer two people to get the bundle that includes this. :food-smiley-010:

All the apps have been unlocked. The Hit List is a nice GTD app and Espresso is like a lame version of Coda but hey Coda is $100 and all these apps are $39... so clicky
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