Landing Review

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New member
Nov 27, 2007
This is one of my first attempts at affiliate marketing and after running some ppc I have notice I can get traffic to the site and I have managed to convert 2 so far but the majority are going to the site and not clicking on any of the offers.
I would appreciate if any one has the time to take a look and see what I could do better to boost my conversions.

My Site

Where is your call to action? Nothing stands out. Subscribe? Subscribe to what? The lp is very confusing, probably getting a very high bounce rate. If the viewer doesn't see the next step in less than 3 seconds, the page isn't going to perform. Also, the load times are incredibly slow for me.

What do you want your viewers to do? They came to the site for a reason, draw their eye to the offer using colors, pictures, anything.

Make a few more pages and test, then test some more. After that more testing is in order. You get the idea.

Good luck!
Thanks for the suggestions. I have implemented some of the changes and will continue to test and then test again.
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