Landing pages - One or more steps?

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New member
May 11, 2007
I was reading on a blog about using multiple steps from a landing page before 'attempting conversion'. They say it can be rude to collect personnal information or getting a visitor to buy on a single landing page.

What's your take?

I saw something really good on here where someone said that multiple steps in landing pages make someone think they are narrowing their search down- like with the ringtone landing pages with all the carriers. With ringtones, only one of the steps is usually on your own landing page, but by putting up your own landing page, you're adding steps to the process.

Other than that, I think it really depends on the offer. Sometimes you can link straight to the offer, but other times you need to sell the person or try to ease their mind so they trust you enough to go through and convert.
Depends on the kind of offer & whether you're attempting to "presell" a product or service.

Like for example with Dating type sites, some people prefer to send people to the information page about the site, others prefer to hit the person with the sign up form right away.
Why did the prospect give you their info in the first place?

I'm of the mind that whatever the reason, this person knows you aren't out to better humanity with your content, and are expecting a "sell". It's how you do it that matters.

Couch your messages in great content, but sell - right out of the gate. If you aren't sure which route to go (soft or hard sell), test.

If they unsubscribe, great - if not, they are just waiting for you to hit their personal hot buttons... so find it!
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