Landing Pages Not Converting? We Can Help.

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Usability Pro
Jun 24, 2006
Jacksonville, FL
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Sometimes the difference between a profitable ad campaign and a bust is just a slight increase in conversion. The problem is increasing conversion, even by just a percent or two, can be extremely difficult. There are so many factors that come into play. What are your competitors doing? Does the landing page messaging match the ad? Are the visitor’s expectations met? Is the page difficult to understand? And on and on.

We’ve All Been There
Our CPC is optimized, ad clickthrough rate is good, but the landing page just won’t convert high enough to make the campaign work. When copying your competitors and trying best practices just isn’t good enough anymore, we can help.

Our Optimization Review Will Help You Increase Conversion
We’ll look at your landing page, ad copy, and offer and tell you how to make it convert better. Sometimes all you need is a fresh set of eyes to look at your landing page to make it better.

We’ve Been Doing This For Over 6 Years, with Fortune 500s
Our small team has worked in the consulting world doing this for Fortune 500s for many years. The only difference was we actually helped them make the changes and perform the landing page tests. We also charged a lot more money than we’ll charge you.

What Our Optimization Review Includes
-15 Minute Screencast of someone on our team using your landing page and giving suggestions.
The screencast may include:
-Usability improvement suggestions.
-Pricing and business model suggestions.
-Design improvement suggestions.​
-Ideas you can test on your landing pages to increase conversions.
-A comparison between your page and your competitors.
-Next steps, or what we’d test first for the most impact.
-Notes from the screencast so you can easily understand our recommendations.
-Real customer service that will answer your questions and provide real help.
-A guarantee that our suggestions will help you. If they don’t, which has never happened, we’ll keep working with you to get a conversion increase.​

Here’s How It Works
1. You send us your landing page and any comments about what you want us to give suggestions on.

2. We’ll spend some time looking at your page and your competitors and reply back with some additional questions and clarification, if we need it.

3. Once we have everything we need, we’ll get to work and provide you with your Optimization Review within 5 business days.

4. We’ll answer any follow up questions you may have.​

Get Started Today
You’ll get all of this for only $47. That’s such a small price to pay that you could very easily earn that money back the day after using our suggestions.

Start Here - Only $47 For a Few Days

A Note About Privacy and Competition
We promise to never use any information you give us to aid other clients or to compete with you in any way. We know internet marketing can be very competitive; the last thing you need is more competitors.
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1 FREE Review Copy Available to an Established Member
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>50% Discount for a Few Days
Normal price is $99, but for the next few days the price has dropped to just $47. There's just no way this service won't pay for itself several times over.

Get Started Here
So this is going to be optimization without any form of user engagement or data to back it up?

From what I get, you will compare my LPs with those of my competitor and then "optimize" it? What if I am in a unique niche with minimal competition?

On what info will these optimizations be based on?
So this is going to be optimization without any form of user engagement or data to back it up?

From what I get, you will compare my LPs with those of my competitor and then "optimize" it? What if I am in a unique niche with minimal competition?

On what info will these optimizations be based on?

Thanks for the questions.

You're correct in that we won't be using clickmaps, eye paths, or any other form of user engagement to help optimize pages. We've found that these methods only really help to identify obvious problems anyway.

The suggestions we offer are based on the experience of our team. We've been testing landing pages for years and testing is the only real way to get useful data.

What we're able to provide is our experience in identifying the most impactful changes to test on a landing page to increase conversion.

We're able to help in unique niches with minimal competition because our suggestions aren't just based on what others are doing. They're primarily based on what we've seen work over the years.

I hope I've answered your questions, feel free to ask more.
Any examples of your work?

Sorry, I don't have any examples to show you. We don't want to show the inner workings of people's marketing campaigns. And nearly all of our partners specifically ask that we don't share their details.

We are working on a review copy, so we should have a review up in the next couple of days.
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