Landing page?

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Got SkillZ
Jul 20, 2008
Okay so I have been doing affiliate marketing for the past week and about to brake even. I was wondering why I should use a costume landing page instead of the one that comes with the campaign?

Check out WPLanding pages in my footer, soon to be realeased. I know the guy who is working on this. Basically its going to be a ton of templates combined with wordpress so you can just publish pages right from the WYSIWYG.
you dont have to pay us if you go with the standard issue copeac one. Give them a go and see what happens.
I agree there is no need to buy one if you don't want. I don't know if you mean you are going to direct link with copeac or are you saying they are offering an HTML creative for you to use? I would go with the second option.
What I am saying is that with Copeac I can either use a direct creative, or there design team can make me a different one.
So you are saying the Copeac provides horrible LPs?

No I am not. I am saying that if you want to take control of all elements of your LP for split testing you are going to be quite limited with what you can do with an off the shelf rather than bespoke option.
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