Landing Page vs. Authority


Bubble Butt
May 14, 2012
I recently bought a domain with the intention of just using it as a landing page for several products. But then I had ideas that could actually deliver quality content and information to my customers and thought about turning it into an authority site for the same niche.

How do the conversion rates of single landing pages differ from authority sites?

what do you ask about: conversion from incontent banners from large site vs single landing page for each products vs offer wall landing page?
Authority sites can have much higher conversion rates if you've won over the trust of your visitors. But the length of time its going to take you to build that trust is going to be longer.

Although its going to be a lot more work authority sites can convert better if you really work at it.
Conversion from incontent banners from large site vs single landing page for each products.

I just thought that if I earned the trust of buyers or created a fan base then they would be more inclined to buy my stuff. Plus with the authority site with a fan base I can create a huge list and that is free marketing right there.

But since the niche targets desperate buyers I guess people searching my key words are looking to buy anyway. Plus it's easier to PPC to a landing page than getting it to rank in the SERPs.
I recently bought a domain with the intention of just using it as a landing page for several products. But then I had ideas that could actually deliver quality content and information to my customers and thought about turning it into an authority site for the same niche.

How do the conversion rates of single landing pages differ from authority sites?

Donec enim elit, tempus sed mollis ac, posuere in nisi. Nunc non felis in ligula gravida pulvinar a nec nunc. Proin facilisis interdum felis eget mattis. Vestibulum quis consequat odio. Sed nisl est, pretium vitae pretium sed, posuere ut orci. Donec euismod dictum ante, at posuere justo tincidunt sed. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nullam ac tortor metus. Morbi adipiscing venenatis lectus id rhoncus. Cras auctor lorem eu lorem ornare a aliquam magna euismod. Nullam at mauris lacus, et tincidunt tortor. Mauris ac leo turpis, a accumsan massa. Quisque eget felis a risus ullamcorper interdum eget in risus. Sed cursus commodo ante, in porta tortor tristique non. Proin consectetur erat at purus suscipit ullamcorper rhoncus felis dapibus.
I recently bought a domain with the intention of just using it as a landing page for several products. But then I had ideas that could actually deliver quality content and information to my customers and thought about turning it into an authority site for the same niche.

How do the conversion rates of single landing pages differ from authority sites?

How do you turn a site into an authority site?

What is an authority site?

I recently bought a domain with the intention of just using it as a landing page for several products. But then I had ideas that could actually deliver quality content and information to my customers and thought about turning it into an authority site for the same niche.

How do the conversion rates of single landing pages differ from authority sites?
man don't over complicate thing if it's not making you money..

I really cannot understand what you meant by Authority site.. Authority on what?

but anyways don't over complicate it... Just use one site to all your needs... Create different pages for different targets. Go for a brand site so that you can easily adjust and create pages..
You guys must be trolling about not know what an authority site is....but I guess you could call it a brand site.

What I meant was creating a website with a good amount of content for my targeted audience versus setting up a single landing page and that's it.
How do the conversion rates of single landing pages differ from authority sites?

There is more involved than just the number of pages, don't you think?

You guys must be trolling about not know what an authority site is....but I guess you could call it a brand site.

What I meant was creating a website with a good amount of content for my targeted audience versus setting up a single landing page and that's it.

I was not trolling. When I search for "authority site", I just get opinions from
bloggers that are trying to impress their readers.

I was wondering why you (among others) use the term "authority site" as if it
were some sort of CMS.

I don't think that adding content, alone, will make a site into an authority site,
but, I still do not know exactly what the term means, unless it's just the high end
of quality sites.

Its like compare truck vs bike. Authority sites works much better than simple landing pages.
actionman, i usually think in terms of 'destination site' vs 'pass-thru page'... is that what you mean?
Authority sites will work much better for a conversion, because the people that are visiting get a sense of trust instilled in them, they feel your personality as though your not going to screw them over.

When someone sees an ad, theres no emotion or trust giving and receiving involved.
You should create the webpage that has lot of high quality information, your visitors are much more likely to buy from you if they feel you are a reputable source.

Sales pages work too but they are also much easier and a lot less work. Pros and cons...