Landing Page to Offer CTR?

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Mar 17, 2008
New York
I'm averaging around 50% CTR from my landing page to the offer on one of my campaigns. Just wondering what kind of numbers you guys are getting?

Oh yeah and you get the 2 for 1 special on BOOBS!

It really varies depending on the offer. Some of mine get 50-60% CTR while others get 90%.

Lead gens tend to have higher CTR's than CPS.
In Adwords I've noticed that I get a better QS if my landing page has a CTR of 50% or higher. If I average less than 50% my QS takes a hit.

I prefer to have at least 70%+ myself though.
In Adwords I've noticed that I get a better QS if my landing page has a CTR of 50% or higher. If I average less than 50% my QS takes a hit.

Huh? How the hell would Google know what your CTR from your landing page to the advertisers is? They don't have any access to that unless maybe you are using adwords conversion tracking? If so that wayyy too much data for them to have and be able to base your ad QS on.
Huh? How the hell would Google know what your CTR from your landing page to the advertisers is? They don't have any access to that unless maybe you are using adwords conversion tracking? If so that wayyy too much data for them to have and be able to base your ad QS on.

If google sends someone to your LP and then 15 seconds later they're back at the serps, google knows they didn't click through on your site.
Well that's not an accurate statistic to go by at all. From my landing page a user could click through to the offer, go back to google, click the home button on their browser or hit their favorites, type in a url they just heard on the radio, or close the browser all together. Obviously that stat has some value but it seems like a pretty flawed statistic to me? Are we sure google looks at this and takes it into consideration? This would be the first I am hearing of it if so.
Are we sure google looks at this and takes it into consideration? This would be the first I am hearing of it if so.

It's absolutely for sure. After all a user isn't like a computer. If they're on your site they're readying your site. If they click and then press back google knows that it isn't that they quickly memorized your url and will come back later or something like that.

Now they don't know if the client googled, then clicked on your landing page, didn't like it and instead when to right away to get the next fix they needed because it had been 5 minutes already. THERE google wouldn't have figured out you didn't like the site. They can just tell when you're back at google.

That's why they insist you don't "mess around with the back key functionality". it isn't for the client. it's for them to figure out what the client is thinking.
This old dog is learning new tricks. It makes sense I guess but I just never realized they looked at that before and used it as a factor when determining an ads QS.
What all Google uses in their QS rankings is anyones guess but I know landing page CTR(or bounce rate) is a pretty significant parameter in my experience.
If a lot of people are going to your LP and ending up back on google within 10-15 seconds, you've probably got more to worry about than your QS.
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