Landing Page Review Request

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New member
May 27, 2009
I recently launched my first real campaign and was wondering if a few people here wouldn't mind taking a look at my landing page/review site. The campaign has been running for 3 days now, about 60 clicks with no conversions. I am a programmer, not a designer so the site looks a bit plain I'm afraid. I actually bought the product in order to do a thorough review, but from my Piwik stats most people read the landing page and the conclusion.

Anyway, any thoughts/criticisms would be appreciated. Maybe I don't have enough data yet or maybe the site and or product are crap?

Link: LiarCard Reviews


A few attention-grabbing, compelling photos and a better headline would be a good place to start. A list of 13 bullet points isn't going to draw people in. I would also consider switching to a 'story' style.

"As I picked up the phone, my heart was racing. This was the call that would finally reveal the truth..."

It's cheesy, but that kind of stuff draws people in and builds empathy.
Does look just a bit plain, just spice it up. I like most everything else. Of course I'm a noob too though.
There needs to be a bigass headline. Also, I have no idea where you want me to click. I suggest you be really overt with the where you want people to go. Sheeple are lazy. I want you to GUIDE me through your landing page. Put me on a slippery slope where I have no choice but to take the action you request at the end. As of right now, I cant even figure out where the slop starts.

Summary: Needs a big ass headline, in red
and maybe a big red circle with an arrow of where you want me to click
Too boring.

You need a better headline...SELL your product in your headline

Pictures pictures pictures....put pictures of your product - people want to see what they're buying (why do you think ebook covers were invented) and people want to see, your sister (esp if she's hot) your baby - stock photo people count too...even Kevin counts!

Try to get some testimonials, even from a friend...

Add an option to subscribe to an email list...people may be more comfortable w/ this than buying and you can gain their trust over time and THEN sell it to them...

More long copy - just write. Bullet points, short sentences - motivate them to them HOW you are adding value to their lives...
I just took a look at your landing page. There are a few points that stick out.

1. Colors. For me, there was too much gray. In my experience landing pages with a white outer-background almost always have a lower bounce rate.

2. Pictures. I know there isn't really a "product" to picture. Perhaps throw in a stock photo of a polygraph test somewhere.

3. Price. Unless I missed it, I was unable to locate a price on your lander. Not sure what would be best... just to say the price or something like .33/minute.

4. Advertiser landing page. They aren't helping you much with selling their product. If you are pre-selling them as you are, they should be taken to an order form and not another pre-sell page.
Thanks for the reviews, going to be implementing these ideas. Will post back when complete.
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Yeah just the same as above really, also, with your LiarCard navigation to the right, it's a bit dull, get the reader wanting to click on things. Maybe put

What is a LiarCard
The Signup Process etc

instead of

LiarCard Review - Part One
LiarCard Review - Part Two

In my opinion that leaves too much effort to find out what it is.

Otherwise, keep up the hard work :thumbsup:
Yeah, what they said... You've got a big headline, but honestly "LiarCard" doesn't mean anything to me so I mentally dismissed it and went on looking for a more obvious place to start. Here's some of the mental conversation:

"What the hell is a LiarCard? Am I supposed to read through these bullets? Ok, I'll read a few... I still don't get it. I guess it's some kind of calling card or something because it's talking about buying minutes and stuff. How's that supposed to tell me if someone's lying? What was the headline again? I guess this is supposed to be a review. Where's the review? Oh, there's some review stuff on the right. Good God! There's 5 pages of shit to read?!

Read "Don't Make Me Think" by Steve Krug. It's a good book about how people really navigate web sites and surfing psychology.

A few other tips:
Pick what ever first action you want people to take and make a huge indicator that points people there. If you want them to read a review, make a big ass "READ REVIEW" button. Combine the review into one big page so people don't have click through a bunch of pages. The more clicks, the more people you lose. As for your bullets, maybe divide them into sections. Start with a few powerful benefits ie: "Find out if your partner is cheating" and then a section for "What is the LiarCard?" and "How does it work?" Maybe also use more powerful words like "discover" or "reveal" instead of "find out". You have to walk a fine line between compelling and overly hypey/salesy.

Anyway, that's just a few surface things without really digging into it.
You can probably give the age old AIDA method of selling a try.

An easy to remember acronym about the selling process is AIDA.

  • Attention - Attract the attention of the customer
  • Interest - Raise customer interest by focusing on and demonstrating advantages and benefits
  • Desire - Convince customers that they want and desire the product or service and that it will satisfy their needs
  • Action - Lead customers towards taking action and/or purchasing

You can check out this site for more eleboration and real life examples of sites employing this method of selling. (Not my blog)
Use Camtasia to put together a video presentation of what it is, what it does etc., and have it autoplay as soon as the page loads. You say it was used in some TV show - cut to a clip of it being used. That way you can spoon feed those of us that have no interest in your massive list of bullet points.

And your whole color scheme is wrong. Too much grays and whites. And you don't have a "Buy it Now" type button.

Testimonials from "experts" on determining truth/lies and effectiveness of the product along with another buy it now button. A face on the page always helps conversions. Your product is faceless right now, so I don't trust it. Borrow Kevin and Audrey if you have to, but put a face behind the product.
Well, I've made some of the changes suggested. The others will have to wait until I get home.

Does the site look any better now?

Thanks again for all the suggestions.
Definitely better. I would make the "LiarCard Reviews" header smaller and the "You're probably being lied to" headline a deep red color. Also, I would bold a few strings of text to tell the gist of the story to skimmers. You can tell a subconscious sub-story that way. Something like:

I had been suspecting him for some time now
My old suspicions started to come back
I knew something was wrong
He said that he was at work late
The LiarCard service started buzzing and beeping in my ear
My suspicions had been confirmed

I'm still not a big fan of the color scheme... it's pretty gloomy. also, orange buy buttons tend to out perform other colors, but you'll want to test for yourself.
+1 for orange buttons.

I did a pretty thorough split test on credit reports over a year ago. Green and orange both do pretty damn well.
im am new to landing pages (and ppc) but i had to scroll to the bottom of the page to see the orange button and the only link I can see to without scrolling is the image of the guy. Without scrolling I can see 13 links and only one going to liarcard2.php (the image).

Also if im looking for trying to catch someone lying are Sky Blue Credit Repair and Unlimited Domain Hosting - $9.95/Month the best partner/upsells?
Good points all hypex, what resolution are you running? As far as the upsell links, you're right. In your opinion would the button be better at the top of the page, or should I leave the button where it is,, but shorten the story?

the headline isn't captivating. if you get more specific, it will have more power.

"Is Your Spouse Cheating? Find Out With The Liar Card!"
Again, more great advice. This stuff seems so obvious I feel like an idiot for not having thought of it myself...

Live and learn I guess...
Good points all hypex, what resolution are you running?
1024x768 and most of the office computers are set to that or the equivelent in wide screen
As far as the upsell links, you're right. In your opinion would the button be better at the top of the page, or should I leave the button where it is,, but shorten the story?

Can you have two buttons without making it look cheap? I'm not to sure.
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