Landing Page Question

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New member
May 19, 2008
Alright so just a quick question im looking to get answered. I am a little confused by landing pages and am trying to figure it out.

So I have a cpa offer that I want to advertise and a website right with a landing page that I will send traffic to via PPC. On this page am I supposed to somehow embed the form for the person to put in their email or zip so when they click the button I get paid? If so how do I do this?

I have read about iFraming the landing page they give me on my page but I don't want to do that. Like I said I want to design my landing page for the offer with a form that I get paid after a user submits from this site I created.

How do I go about this / why would I use a landing page?

Thanks a bunch and please excuse my noobiness.

One reason you may want to use the landing page is to direct your leads to the specific info/form which may not be on your home page. Also, it is a great way to track your advertising. However, I am learning too and haven't a clue as to how to program the stuff. There are some good folks on this Forum who can help you with that - at least a lot of them sound like they know what they're talking about... that's why I'm here... to learn. Good luck!
Sometimes doing an iFrame is not the best idea... and some offers and ad networks dont allow this form of marketing.

I would read up on this a little more... there have been plenty of topics here and on other forums.

There are alternatives that might even convert better.
Alright so just a quick question im looking to get answered. I am a little confused by landing pages and am trying to figure it out.

So I have a cpa offer that I want to advertise and a website right with a landing page that I will send traffic to via PPC. On this page am I supposed to somehow embed the form for the person to put in their email or zip so when they click the button I get paid? If so how do I do this?

I have read about iFraming the landing page they give me on my page but I don't want to do that. Like I said I want to design my landing page for the offer with a form that I get paid after a user submits from this site I created.

How do I go about this / why would I use a landing page?

Thanks a bunch and please excuse my noobiness.
You can't embed. Pretty much you hype or presell the offer to convince the person as a 3rd party, then they click FROM your page onto the offer page, and god willing buy/sign up.
You can't embed. Pretty much you hype or presell the offer to convince the person as a 3rd party, then they click FROM your page onto the offer page, and god willing buy/sign up.

Exactly. You presell them and give them a button where they click to continue with the intent of performing the action you want them to. Giving the LP the same look and feel as the offer page helps them convert.
Exactly. You presell them and give them a button where they click to continue with the intent of performing the action you want them to. Giving the LP the same look and feel as the offer page helps them convert.
Well, I'd say that depends. For "review" style LP having a relatively different looking page can give you credibility as a 3rd party, in theory not associated with the company and therefore appear like a more legit endorsement.
But in general, yeah, agreed.
Well, I'd say that depends. For "review" style LP having a relatively different looking page can give you credibility as a 3rd party, in theory not associated with the company and therefore appear like a more legit endorsement.
But in general, yeah, agreed.

your right, review style is another beast
You can't embed. Pretty much you hype or presell the offer to convince the person as a 3rd party, then they click FROM your page onto the offer page, and god willing buy/sign up.

Agree - In the pre sell on the LP you can really work on developing your QS and from this dropping your bids.

On the point of visuals - I would recommend the different look to a degree - it needs the same concept and style but has to have enough of a differentiator to make it seem independent and trustworthy..

iFrames and embedding depend on the network... We'll allow people to iFrame to our payment gateway if they've made their own LP, or if they have a really well done site, we'll give them some javascript that allows them to directly embed our payment gateway, and just parse the info through our system.

If you're unsure, the easiest method is to pretend to be a 3rd party reviewer... but there are so many other people doing this already that unless you're in a really particular niche, it may be hard to get decent traffic.

There's also an abundance of Splogs out there. How're you going to make sure yours isn't just going to turn into one?
Are landing pages really necessary? I'm having moderate success without them, getting about 100% ROI.
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