Landing Page == Presell?

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Pasta Eatin Mofo
Dec 1, 2007
Alright so I've been doing about 1 mo of research on aff marketing and already started a few campaigns by creating landing pages. I've been making money off myself through aff marketing for years by buying shit through myself. Just never tried selling to someone else. I haven't spent a lot of cash yet, mostly testing the water with PPC. I've mostly broke even with the small amount of campaigning I have done.

I figured out a technique to always please google's QS using some fancy absolutely positioned CSS. But one part I can't figure out to save my life:

Presell Pages vs Review Pages vs Compare Pages vs Sell pages

Many guides I read say to presell. Great! No problem.
Every other guide says to compare 3 products. And list them all...
A few guides say focus on one product.
All say don't direct link.

And finally, looking at sample landing pages that lot of folks on here go batshit over .. they are just straight sales pages. Many of you even recommend making your LP look like the merchant's.

So here's my question:
What benefit is there to creating a landing page that looks like the merchant's? Seems to me like its just a barrier of entry by having yet another click through. Not to mention it seems to me that would just make me feel like its more infomercial sales douchbaggery coming my way and turn me off. What are you offering by doing this, other than getting by google's duplicate domain advertiser thingie?

Seems like most ads I click all take me to just sales landing pages. Very few seem to presell to me. Only a handful have been reviews and even smaller amount were comparisons. (except for a few niches like hosting)

I've been on the net since BBS's so maybe I'm just desensitized from seeing so much net sales BS.

And thanks to everyone. Even the stupid questions are extremely helpful to outsiders coming in. You guys saved me months of do it myself and figure it out research already.

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