Landing Page Feedback

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Very nice photos but WAY too busy. You're trying to cram too much info into a small space. I got dizzy looking at everything crammed in there.
I wouldn't bust out my credit card to order from this site or to the page it is sending traffic to. Most people want to feel secure before they buy stuff online. There are many ways you can fix that.

The "as seen in" is nice, was this product advertised or reviewed anywhere else?

Not a fan of the chosen script font and the page is overly cluttered, the text layout is poor.

You would still get some sales from this page, keep it and test variations and other LPs.
The first page was done by a designer i hired, the second one - the sneakers, i did myself, cleaning it up is easy enough.

These sites lead right to the shopping cart actually - the buy now is linked to a mals-e cart

We've had a pile of reviews of the product, but keep those on our main site

Thanks for the input
add some animation or flashing text or blinking arrows or something near your call to action
been looking at that today. Part of my experience has been that when I use a designer, I and have gone thru a few, is that I often get garbage. That first one was actually recommended by a well know Internet Marketer.........go figure
Well known Internet marketer, as in one of those self proclaimed demi-gods? No wonder you got crap.

There are people here, even a couple in that list I showed you, who do very nice work. Look 'em up.
A few quick thoughts
- Lots of things to focus on.... is all needed?
- Italic bullet points look like navigation but aren't clicakble
- Maybe buttons for buynow links?
- Fonts have a bad case of Photoshopitis - lots of different styles and colors and effects
- "Protect Your Kicks" looks like Word Art

Overall, I'd highly recommend installing clicktracking software like Crazy Egg to see where visitors click. Also, I'd use Google Optimizer to split test and multivariate test various pages and configurations so you can see which ones work best.
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