Landing Page Extras?


New member
Jul 24, 2007
I'm putting together a landing page. Based on my data across a number of sites (same analytics program though):

Over 99% of people have javascript
Over 99% of people have flash

Is it a good idea to use these or are my stats wrong?

The problem lies in the fact that you're asking yourself the wrong questions...

You shouldn't use flash or JavaScript just because the majority of your visitors have them enabled; you should use Flash or JavaScript because you have an appropriate use for them.

My opinion?

Javascript is ok as long as it degrades gracefully and Flash is misused far too often.
Yea that's right only use them if you need them. You probably don't want to use flash on the standard flog/farticle. There just isn't any use for it. Javascript can be handy when you're doing an exit pop, any kind of simple dynamic stuff, or inserting geo targeting information but that can be done server side
Yeah I have the exit popup thing going on pushing to a free sub offer or collecting an email.

I will leave flash for now, wasting enough time on a 'simple' lander.

I strongly recommend Jquery it actually make javascript fun to work with!
Totally not a fan of flash. Javascript FTW can be nuggets of gold.

Parting words: Don't invest in solutions when you don't have the (a) problem.