Landing Page Clone Tool?


New member
Nov 26, 2009
San Diego
I swear I have seen this somewhere on here but I cant find it anywhere. Is there a tool that will allow you to clone landers and serve as an intermediary to the real lander so you can capture that data as well? Thanks in advance for your help.

/boobs go in StS ONLY according to Rules of Engagement #11/
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The question might be whether you are talking about cloning the advertiser's LP or an LP you found by clicking through on a competitor's ad.

In the latter case, you probably won't make many friends.

In the former, I have no idea what the stance on that is, but there's a program called Affiliate Site Quick or something like that, which is supposed to do that. Haven't used it myself.
You should be able to tie in any email list software that supports personal data as well

you'll have to post the criteria to the advertisers 2nd page if they let you(if you don't want the user to have to fill it out 2x)
I have a self-hosted tool that lets you clone landers (turns them all into HTML pages), capture form data from cloned sites, and switch out tracking links and javascript through an interface. I meant to get around to marketing it but haven't had the time yet. PM me if you're interested.
I use Web devil on OS X for caching webpages for offline use, it's been around forever but it works if you use a mac.