Lakota Indians Withdraw Treaties and Form Country

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$monies = false;
Dec 7, 2006
Wine Cuntry
Lakota Indians have withdrawn 150 year old treaties with the United States and have started to form there own country. They cite numerous and continuing violations of treaties and gave the US government a big fuck you. - Lakota Indians Withdraw Treaties Signed With U.S. 150 Years Ago - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
Sitting Bull's people break away from US |

Same story ^

Lakota Indians Announce Formal Separation from the United States | Cleveland Leader

Uh try and relinquish your US citizenship and not pay taxes. The IRS does not allow you to give up citizenship for the purpose of avoiding taxes. I would certainly want to go further than Nebraska/Wyoming/Dakotas.

If you are gonna do that move to Switzerland which will not extradite people for actions that are not a crime in that jurisdiction and is a heck of a lot nicer than the scrub land these Indians are claiming.

Understandable Diorex, I have no doubt that everyone that joins this Lakota country is going to get fucked - I thought it was humerous in a sense that its a big fuck you to the US

All of the states they mention are not worth living in :p
Holy crap didn't they learn the first time?

(ok that was in poor taste)
I hope everything goes well for them, the US government has been fucking with American Indians for too damn long.

If everything goes through, I'm moving in and starting a hosting company :)
Lakota Territory Map

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