Korean animation of Osama's Killing (Awesome)

Magic Hat

Number 9
Nov 27, 2009
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UiDyrkU0WAQ]YouTube - Bin Laden Dead: Video animation of terrorist leader's final moments ([/ame]

God, I love whoever makes these.

Ha ha ha ha.... Gangbanged by 40 Virgin Pigs in Hell!

One can only wish...

Agreed, the maker of these films is great. He even realized the importance of mentioning that Obama kicked trump off the air to make the announcement... As if Trump would be on the air in South Korea... ;)
yeah i dont think its south korean either.
chinese language

and trump has his name on some big buildings in korea...they love the donald
It is in Chinese Mandarin. The company that makes the videos is Taiwanese.
They've done a bunch of these animations about Lindsay Lohan's DUI etc. Pretty funny stuff.

Their website: Next Media Animation .tv
I don't understand why NMATV isn't one of the top 100 subscribed channels on youtube by now. Just in recent weeks some of the stuff they have had :
  • Princess Diana watching William and Kate have sex
  • a woman stapling her boob
  • a porn boat that takes people from China to Hong Kong to watch porn
  • aliens castrating cattle
  • Jesse Jackson with a giant jar of Vasoline trying to get a guy to rub it on his crotch
  • Jesus with a jetpack on his back taking people up into the sky as part of the rapture

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