Kind enough to fill up a survey?


New member
Jun 17, 2010
So I need to do this project for college, which I found to be quite boring. But then an idea struck me, why not make use of this project for my own website and see whether I can seriously take up a survey for it to understand internet marketers. (also to finally use the recommendations and findings I get so that well, I get to understand what potential visitors really want, rather than just online surfers) Basically it is about my site for content writing, and I wanted to get those that have actually used such services before (good, bad experiences) so that I don't get some biased bunch taking up the survey. It shouldn't take more than 5 minutes of your time, considering that you are tech savvy!!!
Be honest

Internet Marketing Survey

If you want to know how to market you should have just asked instead of attempting to conceal it behind a survey.
I may or may not have been the one to suggest that you sponsor urinal cakes with your slogan at the next Affiliate Summit. A few slogans you might want to consider:

After you pee, visit Malpri!
After YOUR #1, visit the #1 in content
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What the fuck?

I've had to get surveys filled out before for college. It's a pain in the ass so I started answering all the questions (without email..)

Then I get to this..

9. have u heard of Malpri? If not, kindly visit Premium Content and Copyrighting Services (link removed) and answer- what would be the best way in which it could be promoted online to others? (word of mouth, sales promotions, by purchasing online advertising). Do elaborate

10. Considering the fact that text is much better than video and pictures and loads much faster, if you had to purchase content from Malpri, how much would you be willing to pay for it (currently less-than-average-quality content sells for Rs 750 for 3 articles of 500 words each.

Get fucked.