Kim Dotcom Granted Bail !!! SHEEEEEIT


What Would Hova Do?
Oct 14, 2011
Looks like is fresh outta jail , from an unknown source of $$$

Bet you hes playing COD right this minute,Fatfuck

Kim Dotcom granted bail - crime - national |


I wonder if he will really stay in NZ now and fight the case from there or attempt to head for Germany. He could probably still be prosecuted there just like the articles says, but the U.S. extradition treaty with Germany excludes German citizens so he would not be sent to the United States.
[ame=]Shiiiiit Sheeeeeit Shit Sheeeit - Senator Clay Davis, The Wire - YouTube[/ame]
The article said he's not allowed to go out of an 80 mile radius, but dude's house is about 5 miles from the beach. You know he's got a roll of gold coins somewhere in that mansion and can contact someone in town @ the beach to pick him up by charter boat easily.

Now his only issue is how to live comfortably after the escape... I doubt he'd enjoy a whole lifetime living on that roll of gold coins, so he'd need to be sure enough of his skills to be able to earn a living off of from some other country.

...Then lose a shitton of weight once he gets there.

Whattayouguys think? Is he gonna run? Will his COD skills pay for his cushy lifestyle?

He's too high profile to ever run. The only exception is if he is granted asylum by some country, which I guess could happen. I think he thinks he's going to fight and win. Clearly he knows little about the corrupt as shit US legal system.
The article said he's not allowed to go out of an 80 mile radius, but dude's house is about 5 miles from the beach. You know he's got a roll of gold coins somewhere in that mansion and can contact someone in town @ the beach to pick him up by charter boat easily.

Now his only issue is how to live comfortably after the escape... I doubt he'd enjoy a whole lifetime living on that roll of gold coins, so he'd need to be sure enough of his skills to be able to earn a living off of from some other country.

...Then lose a shitton of weight once he gets there.

Whattayouguys think? Is he gonna run? Will his COD skills pay for his cushy lifestyle?


He got a heli parked in this garden. Last time, Police mentioned during the initial hearing that he might flee out of NZ using the heli. haha

His best bet is to go to germany
It's funny how the US pursues this guy for some completely dumb digital shit because some billionaire companies lost a few dollars over it.

Yet, the country around them is going to hell in a handbasket.

Good luck bros.
He could easily go under ground via the sea route. He could take a boat at nite to international waters, have a u-boat waiting for him, get into that shit. All he needs is $$$ and a laptop.

He can easily go to a place like Brazil and never be seen again!

3 years later he is a skinny, tanned white guy with nice sexy brazilian women, controlling all the biggest loss weight websites in Brazil and know one would know shit.