Killing Off Comments


New member
Apr 28, 2011
Panicked MSM Begins Killing Off Comment Sections - YouTube

Desperate to cling onto their ability to dictate reality, the crumbling mainstream media is beginning to kill off article comment sections in a cynical bid to silence dissenting voices.

Recent polls show that trust in mainstream media is hovering at record lows. After largely failing to influence the court of public opinion via paid trolls, the establishment is starting to panic and is responding by moving to cull comment sections altogether.

I'm not a big infowars fan, but this video nicely sums up the reasons given by major media outlets to kill off comments on their websites.

I'm surprised they've admitted to the move being about silencing dissent or "hate" speech. If I were in their shoes, I would have just made up some shit about not wanting to deal with moderating spam.

The main stream media HATES him! Find out how this one blog commenter earns upwards of $4 every single hour at
Honestly, I read the comments more on websites than the actual articles. Same goes for Youtube. I love seeing a funny Youtube comment under a video. IDK why sites are getting rid of them. The shittiest articles can be saved by the comments section. There are certain sites I go to just to read comments from particular people.
This is interesting, since it will result in a reduction in overall traffic But it also opens up the possibility of a 3rd party add-on system, where people can go to comment on a particular article and join the discussion without the need for MSM to be involved or controlled. Kind of like a aggregated social commenting system for all news outlets - I assume the MSM is not going to be too happy with the traffic leaks - but it's possible cause people are crazy and they will still want their opinions heard. There is a void and a quick entrepreneur can capitalize on this opportunity...​
This is interesting, since it will result in a reduction in overall traffic But it also opens up the possibility of a 3rd party add-on system, where people can go to comment on a particular article and join the discussion without the need for MSM to be involved or controlled. Kind of like a aggregated social commenting system for all news outlets - I assume the MSM is not going to be too happy with the traffic leaks - but it's possible cause people are crazy and they will still want their opinions heard. There is a void and a quick entrepreneur can capitalize on this opportunity...​

A built in comments system browser plugin.... that'd be legit.