'Killer dolphins' escape: 3 Navy-trained dolphins missing


New member
Feb 5, 2010

Better catch them before they breed with regular dolphins and create an army of knife and firearm weilding super-dolphins.

What the fuck is going on in the world where we need to have dolphins that can shoot people or stab them?

What a gross waste of tax payer money :C

Must be nice to get one of these government contracts. free money. dont really have to yield results.
U.S. Navy’s $28 million marine mammal program, which trains and employs 80 bottle-nosed dolphins and 40 California sea lions to detect and clear mines and other dangers from ports

$28 million

$28 million

$28 million

Good to see tax payer money being put to good use, warms my heart and wallet.
Lol, nice way to blow that kind of money - Next is the $42 million project to train ants to gather intel.
We're not far from that.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOMWse6P-9M]Wild Showcase: Antzilla - Tracking Ants - YouTube[/ame]
Pussy Sharks needing Lasers and Gay Dolphins with Special Knives!!

Fuck that Rogue Dolphin Team needing "special" knives & shit.

Send in the damn Narwhal Team!!!

