Kill Whitey !!

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Only fucking crackheads from New Orleans could be so cold. A whole room of them...what an embarrassment (the ones clapping anyway.)

I'm sort of being innacurate. The guy speaking isn't from new orleans but he is one of the sickest racist bastards around.
and you wonder why I bitch so much about the new double standard. If that had been a white person saying this it would have been on the front page of every news paper in the country! People actually agreed that they should get rid of 70+% of the population of this country. would be funny if it was not so sad!
hahaha I find it funny as hell. Some people are so fucking stupid. If we exterminate all the fucking people like this it would eliminate racism. Its people like this that make racism an issue when it is not one. What happens is people get pissed and then it stirs it all up because shit like that,.
A-D - you hate America because you wish you were here and not in that hell hole you call home! See the argument that America runs all over the rest of the world is bullshit. The problem with the rest of the world is they get in there own way! We here even with some of our dumb shit still get out of our own way! ;-)
I didnt find it to amusing, it really got under my skin!

A-D go fuck yourself Fagot!

heh, relax man. none of this makes any difference, these people don't matter at all. if they stopped existing the world wouldn't notice
now go make some money, that's what matters
heh, relax man. none of this makes any difference, these people don't matter at all. if they stopped existing the world wouldn't notice
now go make some money, that's what matters

yeah you're right. Usually I ignore these type of threads because it just brings out the jackass in too many people. good thinkin.
A-D - you hate America because you wish you were here and not in that hell hole you call home! See the argument that America runs all over the rest of the world is bullshit. The problem with the rest of the world is they get in there own way! We here even with some of our dumb shit still get out of our own way! ;-)
Lol no im fine where i am, i could move to America anytime i wanted (and be twice as rich)
Im a pretty easy going guy and tend to ignore assholes most of the time, but that was out of line, even on an open forum! What the fuck A-D?

I really hope hope Jon or one of the other administrators find your comment as offensive as I do and give you the fucking boot!
I can't believe an educated man can have an opinion like that. Gee, he is teaching black studies in primarily black universities... I wonder what his real agenda is?? He is teaching young, impressionable black youths that white people are to blame for their problems, single-handedly creating as much hate in the world as possible.

If someone hates you, it's cowardly and weak to hate them back. It takes strength to show indifference and not let it fill your mind with worseless noise. It is this worseless noise that holds people back, no matter their race.
A-D - you are fuckin funny! an asshat but funny!
guysmy - the problem with the worseless noise is that there are people that listen to this bullshit and well I love a good fight!
There's a hispanic studies professor here at one of the universities in Texas that has been in the news recently because he's been giving speeches about how all the white people need to die.

What the fuck is up with these people?
Jack it is called racism! Nothing new, the thing is because a few white, (jewish) asshats like the Seinfeld guy this weekend make dumb comments, the black and brown guys think that they can say they are still getting the short end of the stick. Not true, but it makes it easier to get on the gov. tit! What scares me is there are enough white wackjobs that buy the bullshit and can make trouble!
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