Kids vs Adoption

Ar Scion

New member
Oct 27, 2009
I'm sure a bunch of y'all have kids.

How many have actually considered adoption instead of having kids of their own?

I don't have a commitment to having a child of my own, and I feel like if I ever wanted a kid, adoption would be a more ethical choice.

A lot of it has to do with my views of population and resources, but also about giving kids a chance to have parents when theirs were taken away through no fault of their own.

Anyone here seriously considered adoption? Gone as far as getting snipped? What does your wife/gf think?

You can adopt and have your own kids. I am down with adoption. Can make a huge difference in someone's life.
Hell yeah man I'm down but I'll do it after my first wave of brats have grown up so I'm thinking between 45-55. Still gives me plenty of time to make a difference in their lives.
I'd like to have my own kids first, then when they start growing up and I realize that I'm getting bored not having them around I might consider adoption.
Adoption is cool.
But if you dont want your own kids, what makes you think you'll commit to a child that might come with baggage. Its serious game, only real daddies need apply.
Adoption is cool.
But if you dont want your own kids, what makes you think you'll commit to a child that might come with baggage. Its serious game, only real daddies need apply.

I see what you're saying.

But what I meant was I'm not putting my own sperm on a pedestal, saying if I want a child, it has to be my biological seed so it can carry the family name. I don't have that sort of lineage complex.

Which a lot of people seem to have, apparently.
I don't think biology is very exceptional these days. In a few generations, people will start to be engineered and human life expectancy will go over 100 years.

Evolution is a very long slow process that can be improved dramatically with science.

Raising a kid without parents seems like a noble thing to do, at least to me it does.
Yeah, I've thought about this. From personal experience, kids are utterly amazing. Babies fucking suck. Adoption could be a good way to bypass the grub stage.
Only problem is its a good chance you'll get a kid with bad genetics. I personally wouldn't adopt, id have my own kid or none.
I would consider adaption, but I'd want to vet the child first. It sounds harsh, but I'm not prepared or capable to handle a kid that has real emotional issues, drug baby, etc. God bless those who can, but I can't.
Simple test if you can handle adoption

Do you love your kid? After spending all this time, would you still love he(r) if (s)he wasn't yours?

Parenthood has nothing to do with genetics, it's simply about the experience. If it's for you, adoption is a much better option than searching for an aging adolescent who herself hears the bioclock ticking.

If you're married and having this conversation, I'm going to state the obvious. Having children changes women, neither sex will disagree with this statement. If you love her, and she wants kids, adoption will be the answer to your animal sacrifice rituals.

If you're willing to throw this one back in hopes of something better, the pregnancy lottery is a solid option. It has potential to backfire though.
The way adoption works right now is horrific. Everyone in the chain preys on the desperation of the prospective parents. It's harder emotionally to walk away from the process of adoption than walking away from a new car purchase, so be careful.
The way adoption works right now is horrific. Everyone in the chain preys on the desperation of the prospective parents. It's harder emotionally to walk away from the process of adoption than walking away from a new car purchase, so be careful.

This is a very important point. Especially if you're going third world.
I'm childfree, cheerfully had the snip, but very good with kids like nieces, nephews, etc. I enjoy being the teacher dude uncle or the beloved relative who will treat the kid to "real" stuff -- like hiking in the woods and the other stuff their craptastic parents won't allow. (You know, exposure to germs, ticks, life, etc.) I feel it's a good fit for me. I can intersect with kids and have a positive impact for short periods and then send them the fuck home to their exhausted, miserable, one step away from divorce due to the stress of child rearing, parents.

And yeah, no guys I know with kids ever have sex with the moms again. Women's attitudes about sex totally change post-kids. So if you like sex, kids might not be for you.

(Ducks before the breeders chime in with, "We have sex every day! It's different when it's your own! Parenthood is the most important job in the world!") etc. BARF.