Kid gets owned by a habanero pepper

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Face Rocker
Jan 28, 2007
The look on this kid's face is priceless. Hahaha.

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my little brother thought he could handle habanero because he eats habanero dorritos a lot. Well he found out that the real thing kicks your ass.

I used to work in the produce section of a grocery store and had this Jamaican guy walk up to me and ask if we had any hot peppers. I pointed him to the Habenero's and he laughs at me, "Those aren't hot". He proceeds to put one of them in his mouth and just started chewing it like it was bubble gum, I was all WTF :eek:. He smiled and told me he was looking for some pepper that was grown in Jamaica that was the hottest pepper in the world or something. I forgot what it was.
bahahahah. im trying to determine if he was acting or the spiciness really caused him to make those noises....

that gives me a great idea though. after a few beers... $30 says you cant eat that jabanero pepper RIGHT NOW!

...and then the next morning said dumbass will wake up with a mouth and a throat on fire. thats when you tell them they... well you can tell them they did damn near anything at that point...
Drinking and retaining cow's milk in your mouth helps a lot. Drinking carbonated drinks makes it worse.

This has been a public service announcement.
I did that once. At first it just tastes like a bell pepper but a minute later things change fast. I really though I was dying. The next morning was equally bad.

I was told to eat bread but that didn't help.
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