Keywords vs Easy to Remember Domain Name

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New member
Feb 28, 2008
I think I may have found a solid niche to advertise in. I have a dilemma.

Using Wordtracker I typed in the niche and the most popular searched keyword at top is available as a domain (.com). There is also a most commonly used term available as a domain (.com).

So, the question is do I buy both domains and set the site up at the commonly used term? Or do I put the site up on the searched keywords domain.

This is confusing, here's an different example.

Keywords: pro football offensive playbooks (thus the domain
Using the domain name: (or something easier to remember)

This depends on how you are going to get traffic. If you plan on people coming from the SE's and probably won't need to come back, then reg the keyword domain. If you expect them to keep coming back, then reg the other one and put the keyword in your title tags and h1 tags.

When I create small niche sites, I usually reg the most keyword rich domain because I don't expect visitors to come back through typing in my domain anyways.
I think it depends on the outcome of the site. If it's a totally whitehat site you're going to build into a big robust site and spend your whole life on it. Then absolutely go with something memorable and brandable. However if you're building lots of sites and just trying to pull a few bucks a day each then I'd go with the keyworded one. It's definately going to give you a leg up for the search term and save you from getting as many links. Keywords in domain means a lot.
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