Keywords are keywords are keywords...

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Mar 26, 2007
Hey everyone,

In this blatant series of n00b posts that I've started (well, not SERIES, as this is only my third post, second being an actual question post--but whatever) I'd like to know a little bit about keywords.

Can we turn this into a decent discussion about keywords? Cause this could be a good thing for all newcomers.

I'll start:

What exactly are keywords and how do you implement them? I've heard that good keywords are things like, "debt consolidation" -- "affiliate marketing" -- "credit cards" -- etc. However, if keywords are such a big deal, then how come blogs aren't tagged with MILLIONS of keywords? I think this is where I get lost when it comes to these damn things. I just don't understand the function of keywords... Is it something that you do on the site? Or is it something you manipulate in the search engine?

How in the holy hell, do you use "keywords"?

--I'm also going to be that this is probably the absolute most 100% n00b post that has ever been made here.

HOWEVER. I am wanting to learn the ins and outs of this business. And it would be nice if you guys weren't TOO harsh when responding...And hopefully you can give me some valuable information regarding keywords and how to use them.


I'm also going to be that this is probably the absolute most 100% n00b post that has ever been made here.

haha I elect this as the biggest noob question known to MAN, this is probably worse then the question "How Do I Make Money Online"

HOWEVER. I am wanting to learn the ins and outs of this business. And it would be nice if you guys weren't TOO harsh when responding...And hopefully you can give me some valuable information regarding keywords and how to use them.

As for not responding too harsh well you very well might get quiet a few harsh responses, mainly because super noobs aren't super welcome here, this information is widely found on the internet, but your in a bit of luck I guess, earlier today I was thinking of creating a full Keyword how-to but it was more meant for PPC, I didn't get around to doing it but I plan on getting it done sometime soon.

The question you asked can be looked at from several angles, simply put though a Keyword is a single word or phrase that Google uses to index the web with, well ok bad example, when your at any search engine and you type in lets say "Cars", then "Cars" is considered a keyword because your searching for information on "Cars" and not "Noobs".

That is what a keyword is, the reason why its not obvious to noobs is because they are typical words and phrases, have a look at what I'm writing there are ton's of keywords in this post, for instance you can find the following keywords in this post.


and so on, the second reason why you don't want to completely fill a page with a keyword is because 1) no one would like to read something that says "Cars" 5000 times in a 5001 word article and 2) Google and the other search engines will down right say FUCK YOU for doing so and you'll never get ranked.

I also should tell you their is no such thing as a good keyword, you said above that some good keywords are "debt consolidation", "affiliate marketing" and "credit cards", this is very wrong because it has been used completely out of context.

Lets say you've got a site about "Affiliate Marketing" now we know that this keyword is highly competitive so you probably don't want to waste your time optimizing for it unless your in it for the long haul, or you've got a wack load of cash to spend on PPC.

So there you have it a valuable post about Keywords, I'm not going to go into this any more then what I have because if you have to ask I'm sorry to say that you've never even taken the time to search, read, and learn, which means you've never even tried before you posted.

How do I know that, well because the information is super easy to find on almost any search engine and to ask what a keyword is tells a lot about you, especially in this area of the web.

So my advice run along and do some searches and learn and when you think your done search again, and re-learn, and then do some more searches and learn some more, and then read some more and after that keep on reading and when your ready to give up read up and watch some motivational videos and then go back and read and learn some more.

Anyone else feel like taking the time to explain this fully, go ahead, I did what I felt was right for this post.
I definitely do appreciate you being a positive response to the thread, however after I read it back over and then I read your response, I thought to myself -- "Wow, I came off sounding WAY more noobish than I was intending."

See, what I said may have been interpreted in a way that made me come off being as dumb as fuckin' rocks when it comes to this stuff. However to set the path a little more clear, I pretty much know what a keyword is in it's meaning of being a word that people use to search for websites. Check. I got that down.

The thing that was confusing me.. Is that in a post, you could literally have THOUSANDS of keywords. However, is it a good idea to say "affiliate marketing" a lot in your article? Such as replacing pronouns like "it" and "we" and "them" with words such as "affiliate marketing" and "marketers" and "marketing groups" (respectively)?

I mean..I dunno. Just, the way Google uses their keywords is really what kinda throws me for a loop of confusion. I guess one of my main questions was, "How do you properly implement a keyword?" -- Do you do it via HTML codes inside the page such as meta tags, or through the <title></title> of your page? Or is it best to actually use keywords a good amount inside of the content itself?

I've done a shitload of researching the last couple of days...But mainly stuff based around SEO. I've done MySpace Marketing quite a bit, so I'm pretty familiar with how that stuff works. And now that I see MySpace marketing kinda fading out and becoming WAY overcrowded, I thought it'd be a good idea to start planning for the future.

So, yea... Once again, though, I appreciate you not ripping my asshole completely open and then spitting in it. At least you sugarcoated your n00b comments a little bit. ;) -- I hope you understand where I'm coming from though.

I'm definitely not here to leech information from you guys, that's for sure. I'm not out for GET RICH QUICK SCHEMES like most n00bs are. I'm actually wanting to take the time and learn this industry IN and OUT, so basically I'm going to start from the ground up, beginning with common terms (such as keywords, etc) instead of just jumping right into the core of SEO. But yea... As long as you understand what my intentions are, and why I'm here, then I think we'll have a better understanding of what is it I'm looking to accomplish here. :)
The thing that was confusing me.. Is that in a post, you could literally have THOUSANDS of keywords. However, is it a good idea to say "affiliate marketing" a lot in your article? Such as replacing pronouns like "it" and "we" and "them" with words such as "affiliate marketing" and "marketers" and "marketing groups" (respectively)?

Ok Lets begin then shall we. First your main job is to write for people first and then for the search engines, so no just write as you normally would but every once and awhile where it is appropriate toss in your keyword, or the keyword your trying to rank for. Just make sure its easy to read from a human stand point.

I mean..I dunno. Just, the way Google uses their keywords is really what kinda throws me for a loop of confusion. I guess one of my main questions was, "How do you properly implement a keyword?" -- Do you do it via HTML codes inside the page such as meta tags, or through the <title></title> of your page? Or is it best to actually use keywords a good amount inside of the content itself?
Yes you should include all of your keywords in your meta tags, some people say it no longer helps but better to be safe then sorry here is an example of using keywords in a meta tag:

<meta name="keywords" content="marketing, affiliate marketing, marketing is my friend" />

Notice how I've seperated each keyword with a comma. Previously you were talking about keyword density (how many keywords should I use), a good average keyword density is around 2.5 to 4 percent, you can just type in keyword density tool into google and find a wack load of tools, you just plop a url into it and it'll tell you the density for that page.

Your keyword density is something that doesn't effect SEO (your search engine rankings) as much as it used too, most people don't even worry about it any more but I do because every little bit counts, the main thing to remember is not to go too far out of range with it, the best way to get a range idea is to type in your keyword into google and save the first 8 or so url addresses then plop each one of those into a keyword density tool seperetly to find out what the average range is and then write your article or your entire page and plop your url into the keyword density tool.

Then you'll know if you've used your keyword or keywords too much or not enough, another little trick is to use your keywords in your title tags, in your url, inside of your h1, h2, h3, and h4 tags as well as making one, maybe two of those keywords bold, italic, or underline in your content, but don't overdue the bold, italic, and underline trick because you might get nailed with an over optimization penalty.

You can even go as far to include that particular keyword or keywords in the first paragraph of your pages content and include it near the very end of your pages content, most people consider this a bit extreme and hard to follow so don't worry if you don't do it exactly like that, it won't kill your rankings and you'll end up doing other things to make up for it.

Linking and getting backlinks is one of the most powerful methods to ranking well in almost any search engines, you'll need to learn more about that latter on.

I'm definitely not here to leech information from you guys, that's for sure. I'm not out for GET RICH QUICK SCHEMES like most n00bs are. I'm actually wanting to take the time and learn this industry IN and OUT, so basically I'm going to start from the ground up, beginning with common terms (such as keywords, etc) instead of just jumping right into the core of SEO. But yea... As long as you understand what my intentions are, and why I'm here, then I think we'll have a better understanding of what is it I'm looking to accomplish here. :)
Keep up this attitude and you'll do just fine, remember don't ever give up, and remember the only secret to online success is being able to WORK HARD, speaking of which click on the second link in my signature and view the first video on the page, I could care less if you stay or read anything else but just watch the video as proof that online success is only about hard work and dedication their is no magical method that will make you millions or thousands over night, stay away from those types of things when you are just starting out.

I said previously that I'll be doing a keyword post soon, it might be a bit more advanced for you but it might make for a good read. Feel free to continue asking questions if you wish, don't worry I won't rip your head off.
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