Keyword is not relevant

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Dec 12, 2007
When you guys see keywords in your ad groups start trickling in that says "keyword is not relevant" and has a 3/10 or 4/10 poor quality score, do you delete those keywords or keep them? If you keep them will it eventually drag down the rest of the keywords in those ad groups or in your account?

I checked and it says the landing page is fine, load time is fine, etc, just that the keywords are not relevant. The keywords are very relevant but Google thinks otherwise - go figure.

Will these non relevant keywords bring the rest of my account down?


If you keep them, it will cause QSC - Quality Score Necrosis.
(Don't look up that term - I created it just now)
If you keep the low QS keywords in the same ad group as other keywords, then it will bring down the quality score of the other keywords in the same ad group. Also; if you frequently bump down to low quality scores; then you will be messing up your account history. Meaning, all your new campaigns will have a lower QS than they are supposed to when starting; thus making it more difficult to run it successfully.
If you keep the low QS keywords in the same ad group as other keywords, then it will bring down the quality score of the other keywords in the same ad group. Also; if you frequently bump down to low quality scores; then you will be messing up your account history. Meaning, all your new campaigns will have a lower QS than they are supposed to when starting; thus making it more difficult to run it successfully.

do you usually delete the keywords right away when they get to say 4/10 or 3/10 or give it a day or two to see if they bounce back?
do you usually delete the keywords right away when they get to say 4/10 or 3/10 or give it a day or two to see if they bounce back?

There are multiple reasons for why a keyword may have gone that low; which is what you should try to find out first. If the keyword is not that valuable to me; meaning a low ROI; then I have no problems letting go of it. BUT, if it's a keyword that generates a high ROI for me; and is the one that caters the majority of the conversions; then I will either work on getting it back up; or swap up the campaign on a new account and a new domain; and have it regain it's initial high QS. Course the second time around, I would do tweaks in the ad and bid; so the QS doesn't drop again.
Are the keywords anywhere on your LP?

yeah, sure are.

this is happening to less than 10% of the keywords in my account and probably 10-15 ad groups out of 150 ad groups.

the keywords and ad groups its happening to luckily dont produce much for me at all anyway.
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