Keyword doesnt show up in search at all?

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New member
Jun 12, 2009
I have a authority site that is about 1 month old and gets around 500 unique visitors daily. Lets call it "Sport bike central". My position in google for "sport bike central" is between 5-15. But if i search for "sport bike" my page is not found by google at all. Any help on this is appreciated.

lol, back to DP young skywalker, come back when you are ready to face teh darkside.
You will often find that the shorter and more generic a search term is, the more competition there is for it.

There are probably fewer sites returned for "sport bike central" than for "sport bike." Google has found your site for "sport bike" but there are a bunch more sites that it feels are more relevant. Heck, you might even be number one for "blue and green sport bike central." It's less competition but what happens when you check your rankings for just "bike"?

This is the "long tail" concept you see referenced in seo and ppc conversations.
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