Kevin Richardson - Living with his lions


New member
Jun 24, 2006
Absolutely amazing! Such a unique life experience, damn...

In the scorching South African heat, Kevin Richardson knows it's best to let sleeping lions, lie. And sometimes he joins them.

As the sun rises to its full ascent, a pride can be seen resting in the shade of a tree. And nestled against the stomachs of lions drifting in and out of consciousness, is 34-year-old Richardson -- fast asleep.

"That for me is true acceptance. I can lie down with them. I can sleep with them. I can interact with them as if I were a lion," says Richardson. "It's something I'd like the world to see."

At his 1,800-acre wildlife refuge outside Johannesburg, Richardson has raised an entire pride of lions to accept him as one of their own.

"Lions can be extremely affectionate. They can show you affection that I've never had from a human," he says.

Video - Kevin Richardson Living With His Lions, Hyenas & More! Dangerous... - Music
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He'll probably get eaten sooner or later. Just like that Grizzly man guy or Roy (or was it Sigfried that was turned into snausage?) These nut jobs always think they are the exception. But shove your thumb up the butt hole of the wrong lion and you're gonna end up savannah kibble.
It's just a matter of them feeling a bit odd for a couple of seconds and he will hit the headlines of the media for the last time.