Keeping Facebook Fanpages safe.


u wot m8
Feb 22, 2011
I have at least 50 facebook fanpages, some being pretty large. I am worried that with the way I use them, I'm at risk for losing them. I was curious if anyone had experience segregating the pages to separate facebooks, in an attempt to keep them safe. So if one account has attention drawn to it, and maybe gets one or all the pages disabled from posting to peoples timelines, the others will remain unseen and safe.

Sound good? Anyone have experience with getting their fanpages disabled from posting to the timeline? Or anything like that lol?

Invest in pva accounts and have 10 in each. Yeah nowadays Facebook disables plenty of em mostly for copyright issues or spamming.
I was definitely inspired by your post. I had thought about converting my page but I created my current fan page for my writing and I’m just not interested in the upkeep for a social media fan page too. Too much work.