Keeping Adwords Account Clean (VPS/VPN)


New member
Mar 7, 2008
I've searched around for this, but haven't found an answer so far. I'm trying to create a new Adwords account that I want to be kept away from my MCC Adwords accounts.

If I use a VPN I think my cookies etc stil link my accounts together, right? I know I could clear them every time, but if I didn't then I'm shafted, right? So is the only way to have a new Adwords account via a VPS (and new CC)?

I'd appreciate some info from you if you know pls. Thank you.

Just use a different browser if you're afraid of forgetting to clear cookies...
haha different browser. yeah that'll hide you really well from adwords...
I was referencing using the different browser in conjunction with the VPN for that account, not in place of it.

I still find it amusing that there's this belief that it's difficult to get around an AdWords ban. Speaking from experience, I've just created new accounts using a different IP, mailing address, and tracking domain (same computer), and gone up perfectly fine. None of this BS about needing to use different computers due to super cookies or any of that stuff.
so johu you've been banned and successfully created a new account? how long did it last?

Old PC - every account banned same day. Using Virtualbox, hma vpn, ccleaner etc.
New PC - accounts working fine.
Doesn't google also use evercookies and mac address though?

Ever cookies are flash based, so just don't install flash. No one can see your MAC address via a network connection, except you and your ISP. ARP is used to obtain the Mac address when only the IP address is known. Since ARP is not a routable protocol there is no way Google could get the Mac addy of a visitor/user unless they are on your same network.

Old PC - every account banned same day. Using Virtualbox, hma vpn, ccleaner etc.
New PC - accounts working fine.

Lol you don't need entirely new PC to get a fresh start with adwords. Just re-format your HD and you're good to go as far as hardware is concerned. Just don't install anything that is even remotely connected to Google. No chrome, picasa, etc and obv no adwords editor.

But still need to hide your network, IP, etc.
I have been using 3 USB dongles from different providers... And clear the cookies everytime I use a different dongle on a laptop I use specifically for this..

Is there anyway they google might be tracking it to the same laptop??
Also I use chrome... but I don't know... since I clear cookies everytime..
Safe so far...
3 very different login names too...
You guys are making me nervous....
Been thinking of VPS... but I thought dongle was the safest and easiest..

Note to self: Uninstall Chrome..
Adwords is so ridiculous. I think they have my IP or computer in there system to set off red flags or something.

I create an account. It gets suspended right away. I email them saying can I please advertise? I have read and understand the ToS. Person says ok, I'll refer this to a specialist. 1 week later, ok you're account is open. I run ads for about a month. Then ads stop getting impressions and there is a message to contact support. I wait a few days hoping it will just go away. I email support and ask what is up. "You're account is under review blah blah, I'll send this to a specialist." 2 weeks later, you're account has been suspended, don't ask why don't open a new account. I open a new account and the story starts all over.

inb4 coolstorybro