Keep Google Honest


New member
Aug 6, 2011
Please join the movement to Keep Google Honest! If they are able to control search AND social we are screwed as SEOs.

Check this video out (even though the way this guys voice cracks makes him sound butthurt, HAHA)

Unfair Google Plus Rankings: Force Google To Do What's Right - YouTube

or check out the write-up that include links that include FB links, videos and contact info to Keep Google Honest.

The Keep Google Honest Campaign


Inb4 Oh noes Oh Noes!!!

Don't use their service? First of all, where does Google ever say they care about equality? You're using their search engine, and you're using their video hosting to broadcast your message.

Get a grip.
Please join the movement to Keep Google Honest! If they are able to control search AND social we are screwed as SEOs.

Check this video out (even though the way this guys voice cracks makes him sound butthurt, HAHA)

Unfair Google Plus Rankings: Force Google To Do What's Right - YouTube

or check out the write-up that include links that include FB links, videos and contact info to Keep Google Honest.

The Keep Google Honest Campaign


Inb4 Oh noes Oh Noes!!!

Kidding. This is a dangerous thing and yes dude does sound like he's gonna cry. LULZ... Keep the Googlez Honest yo.
to keep something honest it needs to be honest in the first place, I am not so sure this applies to this company... maybe way back when it was 4 servers on a table in some rome at Stanford...
to keep something honest it needs to be honest in the first place, I am not so sure this applies to this company... maybe way back when it was 4 servers on a table in some rome at Stanford...
They are already under scrutiny from the feds for other issues, hopefully this gets looked at too.
Google is a not a public service. If you think that it is, or that the Gov. should investigate the way G structures it's SERPs, you are anti-free market, and anti-capitalist. The market will determine if G's new search policies will be successful or not, and if G wants to rebrand itself as a portal, so be it. Someone else is waiting to grab a larger share of the search market.
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Google is a not a public service. If you think that it is, or that the Gov. should investigate the way G structures it's SERPs, you are anit-free market, and anti-capitalist. The market will determine if G's new search policies will be successful or not, and if G wants to rebrand itself as a portal, so be it. Someone else is waiting to grab a larger share of the search market.

Smartest thing in this thread.
Mind=Blown. Almost.... This still isn't very useful as search results for their sites.

Where did I hear about this? Certainly many of us here remember back when Twitter had its' trial run in Google displaying real time tweets at the top of time-sensitive SERPS... That ended around the beginning of last year, and twitter announced that they were going specifically with BING at that point, dissing google, and shutting googlebot off their site via robots.txt.

I'd bet there are a couple of threads about that on here, but I couldn't find them in a quick keyword search. ;(

However, the CNN Money article that Kevan linked to above said it again and included Facebook too, at least as far as Google themselves say:

CNN Money said:
Google claims that there are technical limitations that curb its ability to include competitors' content in Search Plus Your World. The company says Facebook and Twitter, for instance, do not let Google crawl their sites for information.

So sure, there may be some bot action getting through to those sites, but it appears that their robots.txt or GWT profiles are restricting googlebot from indexing much of their content.

If that's true, then there is simply no way whatsoever google can display their results alongside g+ results in g serps.

Anyway, like IceToEskimos says, Free Market advocates should despise all of this "google is being an evil monopoly" shit anyway. If someone else starts offering a superior search product and competing for realz, then it's suddenly not an evil monopoly anymore. How can you blame google for their lack of existence?

The way I see it, the only thing they could do to be "evil" is to illegally suppress the competition, such as murdering young startups with superior search technology. Just buying out the competition to come and work for google is simply business as usual.