K.I.S.S/Network of Sites/Link Building/Traffic

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New member
Aug 1, 2006
So I've been doing alot of reading/researching lately and learning alot about the K.I.S.S method. I spent a good amount of time planning, then testing, replanning, and retesting.

I have come up with a pretty good system where I can pump out a niche website with completely unique content (10 - 400-800 word articles) in around 4-5 hours. I have now done this with 5 different sites just to get out all of the kinks. I am now pretty consistently pumping sites out.

The problem arises when it comes to link building. It's just so damn time consuming. I can spend 4 hours building the thing, and then spend an entire day getting links to it. It completely defeats my hard work to get my time down on building the site. Since I dont' really have the time to test what does and doesn't work link building wise (I'm in College) in regards to getting traffic I figured I could ask for advice.

Currently I'm submitting to Link Directories as well as single sites. In other words if my site is based on Ear Wax, I'll search for anything ear wax related and submit my link to every site I find. Are both these methods effective? Am I wasting my time submitting to link directories?

Basically I figure if I can get $1 per day from 100 different sites, I'll be doing pretty good for myself.

Any help is appreciated!

Thank you.

If I was using that technique I wouldn't be too concerned about links being on topic, but rather having the volume. Consider building a site that its easy to get links to (e.g. games) then send a few links off from that site to your new sites. Also think about trying digitalpoint's co-op network (but not putting the code on the sites the links are going to)

Its not a long term strategy, but you should be able to pick up on some long tail searches and MSN.
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