Just Watched 21

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New member
Jun 25, 2006
Yea, I'm late as fuck. Great movie though. Dare I call it motivational? Pick it up, I really enjoyed it. Its cliche as fuck though, but there is 1 so-so twist you won't expect.

i just recently saw it too on dvd. it was whatevers. i don't like spacey and bosworth combo. hated superman. the movie didn't do the book justice. don't want to sound like a "book is better" snob, but it was.

if rounders is a 9, 21 is a 4. it's about as good at stalone's "shade"
movie sucks...story is too predictable..those two kid actor don't know how to act..

give chip to striper that you don't know to cash? Do those script writer have a brain or not?
I read this book when it first came out, and since the book is such a good read, that made the movie extremely boring. Ofcourse, they have taken a lot of liberties in the movie, like the main charracters fucking each other etc. which does not happen in the book. Also, as for the strippers cashing in, in the book the author mentions, that they knew most of the strippers (and there werent as many as they showed in the movie), since they were regular customers there.

You gotta read the book, and you won't put it down once you start to read it.
I read the book and I couldn't put it down. Of course that's not too hard to do when the author is making half the shit up. The movie looks pretty awful...the main character actually went to my school though, that'd be sweet if we could get him to come speak.
I liked the movie.

got me really interested in card counting.

Wonder if someone could develop a card counting app. take an iphone into the casio and use it...eh ideas.
take an iphone into the casio and use it...

yeah, using an electronics device to cheat a casino = kneeless epic failure

WPT on tv = 5/10
21 = 6/10
Rounders = 7/10
WSOP on TV = 8/10
Playing poker in a LIVE tournament = 9/10
The Cincinnati Kid = priceless
yeah, using an electronics device to cheat a casino = kneeless epic failure

WPT on tv = 5/10
21 = 6/10
Rounders = 7/10
WSOP on TV = 8/10
Playing poker in a LIVE tournament = 9/10
The Cincinnati Kid = priceless

Your moms pussy 1/10
The movie was decent, but I haven't read the book yet. I'll probably pick it up tomorrow.

I usually find books better (more detailed, not trying to keep everything under 2 hours, etc) so my opinion of the movie might change once I read the book. But right now I'd give the movie a 7/10
decent movie. book was better.

I liked the movie.

got me really interested in card counting.

Wonder if someone could develop a card counting app. take an iphone into the casio and use it...eh ideas.

me too, but i thought even small casino's were using at least 5 decks in a shoe and don't even go through the whole shoe before replacing it? maybe im wrong.
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