Just started blog. Tips?

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1. Get your own domain.

2. Read John Chow.

3. Go to DP.

4. Watch the moneys roll in.
After reading the help given in this thread, I'm in a pretty good mood, so let's see.

If you can get your own domain name, do so, as it would be pretty wasteful to go around writing articles that link to the blogspot blog, if you decide you'd prefer a domain of your own further on down the road.

If you get your own domain, assuming you can afford hosting, get a wordpress blog up. From there, this thread on wordpress and blogging should be useful.

Looking through the site/blog as you have it now, this post looks like it would be the most useful. Since (the) RocketChinese (course?) is what you're trying to drive your visitors too, a review makes the most sense as being something that could serve as transitional content. With that in mind, I'd suggest getting it on the front page of your site and keeping it there. All of the other posts there would still be useful, but they'd serve better, instead, as extra topical content to feed interest.

By doing that, you begin to turn it into a review blog that happens to have other posts, rather than a blog that happens to have a review.

I'm not all that familiar w/ Clickbank just yet, but giving the visitors what most directly influences their decision is more of an unconditional tip.

Modify the review post to feel like a bit less of an obstacle to read too. You don't want first time visitors coming to your site, seeing a wall of text, and thinking "I don't know if I have the time to get to all this, maybe later" and forgetting about your site altogether. Compress some of the content and optimize your wording. Get some bold paragraph titles in there like you did here, although the content there is a little intimidating too.

Anyway, start from there and if you come back, maybe you'll get some more help.

P.S. - Clickbank is just a network w/ digital products. It's not like this newbie is promoting "Make moneyz with ur ezbake".
Any moderator, ban this fucktard, please.

Click here if you'd like a mod to come help.

In all seriousness, you'll have to get off of blogger. There are plenty of places to get cheap, decent hosting, and even a few trustworthy members here giving it out. If you don't have the 20 - 30 dollars you'll need for hosting and a domain, I'll make you write something for me and blamo $$ for you.

I think you'll have to write a lot more than just 50 thousand product reviews. Try a chinese word/grammar tip of the day and then saying "I learned this and thousands of other Chinese language tips from rocket chinese blah blah..."

Do some keyword research as well. Chinese seems like it'd be a competitive field, but if you can get some longtails in there, like, maybe "how to say I love you in Chinese" or "fuck you in chinese" (I'm serious... you'd be surprised how many times i've looked up swear words in different languages this month), you might be able to generate some sales. Maybe even try targeting businesses that send over their employees to China. $$$
Click here if you'd like a mod to come help.
In all seriousness, .....

8- Softcore porn or nudity in general is okay, just don't go crazy with it. Try following rule #1 for this one too. We also have a NSFW (not safe for work) post icon, which MUST be used if you're posting something other than just boobs (post icon for that too). You CANNOT use any other type of post icon as the thread author. Remember, we do have people surfing here from work, and don't want to get anyone fired because your stupid ass "forgot" to post it.

I know where the button is, but I'll wait a bit more some moderator to notice.. Then I may decide to use it.... The button I mean.

Oh, and in all seriousness - yubrew, I'd host you for free. If you need of course. Just PM me your needs.
Seconded, Strongly encourage your own domain. There are some amazing deals at Godaddy right now, $1.99 for a .com.
oooooh haha, you almost got me with that one.

to the OP, get your own domain name, it's essential. Even if you're only doing bummarketing, make the $10 investment and get a domain name and cheap hosting. Also, use Wordpress and a nicer theme.
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