Just Spilled a Glass of Water on my Laptop

Laptop will boot in the morning?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 28.0%
  • No

    Votes: 18 72.0%

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Former Lurker
Sep 4, 2007
It's after 4am here. Just finishing some late night coding and spilled a glass of water over my laptop. Stayed on for a minute of so as I attempted to soak up the water with a towel. Then it powered off. Once it was dry I attempted to power again but just got the power light flashing on and off. Unseated ram, hard drive and battery and found all of the above slightly damp.

Leaving it overnight and going to see what happens in the morning. What do you think will happen? It's a Sony vaio with an ssd if that makes a difference.

Put it in a plastic bag of rice same w battery. Leave it min 48 hours before turning on. You prob already fried it when you turned it on, but you never know.
make sure you REMOVE the battery while its drying.

if it turns back on but the keyboard will not function, try plugging in a USB keyboard and use it that way.

if it does not power on at all, try powering it from charger only and then battery only to see if any difference.

update in the morning if heat lamp works, you may need to even let it dry longer than 24hrs.
Put it in a plastic bag of rice same w battery. Leave it min 48 hours before turning on. You prob already fried it when you turned it on, but you never know.
This, you need to put it in a bag with RICE.

Trying to turn it on may have fried it.

Put your battery in the microwave to dry it out. It's the only way to save your computer!
If it helps, I did this once and let the computer dry for 2 days with the battery popped out. It ended up working fine.
If all else fails, it's not too hard to dismantle one and get some hot air in there. Remove the back cover screws and let any water drain and use a hot air dryer to remove any remaining moisture. If you know wat you're doing or exceptionally brave, dismantle as much as you can to allow the hot air better access. Use common sense with the hair dryer, you're not trying to molten the solder, just remove any trapped liquid. Allow to dry for a day and reassemble. Providing there is no short circuit damage from when it was running, all should be sweet. I've done a few, it's what I do amongst other things.
I have experienced this twice.

Once with water, once with beer.

Both laptops were ruined. And I immediately powered down/dried out for several days. I chalk it up to the cost of doing business while drinking beer/the cost of doing business in San Diego while leaving all windows open and torrential rain comes out of nowhere while I'm out of the house.
Magnets are great at being able to restore data that has been damaged by water.

Find a large, industrial-strength magnet and run it all along the hard drive. That should do the trick, and you'll be up and running in no time.
My laptop has been thrown 10 feet into the wall by an ex. Left in the snow for hours, been soaked in poweraid, been thrown into the back seat of the car, has been put through abuse while rattling from my subwoofers. Has been rained on over a hundred times, and has been dropped more than a thousand times.

But you know what.

It's a Macbook.

"It just works."
It's after 4am here. Just finishing some late night coding and spilled a glass of water over my laptop. Stayed on for a minute of so as I attempted to soak up the water with a towel. Then it powered off. Once it was dry I attempted to power again but just got the power light flashing on and off. Unseated ram, hard drive and battery and found all of the above slightly damp.

Leaving it overnight and going to see what happens in the morning. What do you think will happen? It's a Sony vaio with an ssd if that makes a difference.

For future reference, if you ever get anything like that wet, yank out the battery and power source ASAP.

The fact that it powered off after a minute or so suggests you fried it there and then - which would have been avoided if you disconnected the power.

Trying to then turn it on again, just guarantees you fry it more or less.

Do the rice trick and hope for the best. You probably want to leave it in there for a week or so, too, not a day.

Your SSD will most likely be fine, though.
I used a blow drier for about 10 minutes and it did the trick just fine. The only component you should worry about is the motherboard. keep your fingers crossed
Yeeeeah it works!

The keyboard is slightly fucked. Or if i was to type that without hitting backspace:

The kneybmoaxrd isz szlignhtly fucvkned

I left it to dry with the battery, ram and HD removed.

Thanks for the advice, I will attempt to microwave + set on fire next time + industrially magnetise the next time.

Seriously though the rice is a good idea.

Would type bmore bmut thisz isz whaxt isz cvobmikngn out of bmy kneybmoaxrd szo will cvonknketsz ax USZBM kneybmoaxrd firszt