Just saw the movie "Bug" (spoilers)

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Nov 7, 2006
Scottsdale, Arizona
I want two hours of my life back.

Don't you guys hate the feeling when you hear about a movie that you just have to see, and then it turns out to be the most disappointing piece of shit you wasted your time on?

I'm a fan of horror movies, and not long ago I came across this list of the 10 best horror movies of 2007. I had seen some of them ("Unrest", ranked #9 was pretty good) so I figured the #1 spot had to be awesome. After all, the guy who wrote the list seemed like a real horror-buff with a good taste.
He called it "Easily the best film of the year" .
What??? Yeah. That's what he said.

So I fired up a new Adwords campaign last night (and got assraped by Google) and a little less than two hours (and $500 less) later, I sat there in disbelief over how bad the movie was. I felt cheated.

1) The movie is NOT a horror movie. It's a thriller / suspense-drama at best
2) The movie does not have a single scary moment. I mean, not even remotely. I could have showed it to my 7 and 9 year old kids, and they would only have been bored to tears.
3) The acting was ok. But that can't save a dreadfully boring plot and a pathetic ending.

I'll give it 2 stars out of 10. The 2 stars go to one scene of women kissing and one with female nudity :D

Now why the hell this is classified as a a horror movie is beyond me… Heck, even Leprechaun III is scarier than this and that's a BAD movie, lol…

I saw Bug and wondered what Ashley Judd DID to someone or OWED someone or what someone was BLACKMAILING her with to get her to be in that movie...

There is a Sci-Fi book called Bugs from the early 80's: computer bugs escape the virtual world and attack, and I HOPED this was a loose translation. Oh well...

My wife HIT me for suggesting that movie. :-(
I saw Bug and wondered what Ashley Judd DID to someone or OWED someone or what someone was BLACKMAILING her with to get her to be in that movie...
I was actually wondering the same!
Give me a $1k budget, a pro 24fps camera, and one months production time - and I swear me and my buddies could make a better "horror" movie than that shit. It's unbelievable sometimes what movies (and big budgets) get the green light in Hollywood.

My wife HIT me for suggesting that movie. :-(
LMAO.. :) :)

I should go ask my wife to hit me for the same reason. I deserve it, lol.
I haven't seen it. Maybe you watched the animated movie, Bugz, by accident? Hehe jk.

I remember the movie Arachnaphobia being good back in the day when I was like 10 years old. I wonder if that would still hold up all these years later... and being older.
I saw this horrible shit when it came out because it had Judd in it.

Did you stay for the ending "finale?" Where they pour gas on eachother and Judd exclaims "I AM THE SUPER QUEEN BUG!!" My GF and I were the last ones in the theater who could make it to the end. Everyone else (a whole 3 other couples) left way way earlier.
I saw this horrible shit when it came out because it had Judd in it.

Did you stay for the ending "finale?" Where they pour gas on eachother and Judd exclaims "I AM THE SUPER QUEEN BUG!!" My GF and I were the last ones in the theater who could make it to the end. Everyone else (a whole 3 other couples) left way way earlier.

Sadly yes I made it to the end...
But only because I decided to get my guitar and jam out while I watched the last 20 mins, lol.

Dreadful movie.
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