Just saw house hunters, who was it?


New member
Jun 24, 2006

Just saw an episode of house hunters in Chang Mai, Thailand ...

This person said they had an "internet business" for the last 6 years, was that one of you newbs? haha

I swear Chiang Mai is like the Affiliate Marketer's/ IM Guru's capital of the world.

If this Zirkin Guy doesn't turn out to be Kiopa_Matt or mr doodles70, then that'll make like 6 Chiang Mai AM/IMers I know up there.

Must be something in the water... That makes PPC campaigns pay better. :thumbsup:

Just saw an episode of house hunters in Chang Mai, Thailand ...

This person said they had an "internet business" for the last 6 years, was that one of you newbs? haha

Hahaha I just watched that one with the lady and my first that was OMG WF guy.