Just got a box of 500 condoms (pic). Who wants to buy some?


Nov 24, 2009
Check it:


Want some? Post or PM offers with how many you'd like and at what price, and they're yours :)

brb poking holes in them with blood test meter before sending.

Yes serious.

No trick or treaters.

Yes discount on pre-owned items.

No hooker barter.

See what I did thurr? :) I missed this place...
Damnit, I would buy some, but... I wouldn't have a use for them...

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFkzRNyygfk&ob=av3e"]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

Edit: Tell us, how did you come about 500 condoms?
Selling compromised condoms to potential business adversaries, causing the market to be less competitive because they're all off dealing with babies? Well played Human, well played.
Trojan's suck. I'm a lifestyles guy. Allergic to the ENZ too... that shit wrecks me something fierce.

One time I was pulling an "away game" and all she had was ENZ. Didn't have any in my wallet (never again!)

I either strapped up, knowing I'd have some fun and then a week of hell coming, or bail out. I chose the week of hell :)