just emailed Google asking for a link on their homepage, waiting to hear back.


Jan 10, 2012
:drinkup: No need to mention ( just joking)

Who else would like to see his/her site URL on google's home page? How much , are you ready to pay if Mr.Google allows one link on home page? I think there should be a bidding system.

Let's start with $10 USD for one day.


I got a couple links on their inner pages. I have to work on my on page some more and im certain ill be on their home page. If not maybe in a Matt Cutts video at some point.
^ Did you just dig up your old post from a month ago, and insert a stock image (that you kind of erased the watermark of)? I typically don't break many balls, but this is beautiful. Man...I gotta invite you over for hookers and beer sometime and show you man things. I suggest 4 hours of NSFW and 2 chickens.
OP. Whatever you took on 04-26-2013 had to be very heavy.

But you came back today and did here what you did. This tells me there is some new drug on the market I'm not aware of.

Please don't neg rep OP, he's not a sane person.